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Let me just say real quick that this chapter is dedicated to
GoldvnRoyalty . Thank you for always leaving comments and voting, means the world boo.


He paused in his action of dishing the chicken mix on the soft tortillas and stood up straight, resting the spoon in the large glass bowl.

"Nick.. is there something you would like to tell me? It's okay.. I obviously won't judge your dating preferences." Because being a bisexual, well let's face it homosexual, man himself he had no room to judge anybody's choice in gender. Whether it be male or female, trans or gender neutrality.

She took a heavy sigh and bit her pale pink painted lips as she took a brief moment to pause and think.

Chris resumed dishing out the filling for the tortillas. "Take your time.. I remember the first time I had to admit it to someone else.. it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do." He said softly as he finished with the chicken meat.

"Well.." she said and gulped. It wasn't that she didn't trust Chris with this information it was just that she hadn't even admitted it to herself yet. "I.."

Chris grated cheese on the cutting board with his cheese grater.

"How.. how did you know..?"

"Know what? I was pregnant?" He asked nonchalantly, sprinkling cheese on the meat and tortillas.

"No." she giggled gently which brought a smile to Chris's face. Because he knew from experience that this was a tough conversation to have.

"When did you know you were gay?"

"Well.. to be honest at first I didn't." He shrugged his shoulders. "Like many people I was bisexual first."

"Well, how did you know you were bisexual Chris?" She rolled her eyes after rephrasing the question for him.

At this he laughed. "Well, it was really as easy as noticing the way I stared at this picture of Michael Jackson I found online.." his felt blood immediately rush to his cheeks. "I was.. seventeen? I think. Um, just before I started that train wreck of a relationship with Rihanna, and it was late at night.. I was online in a hotel room and just searching the web because I was bored beyond belief. And somehow I came to be on Google images, just search random things like cute pictures of kittens and puppies.. and it went from looking at animal pictures to human celebrity searches. And okay, I'll admit it," he laughed, "I searched my name.." a slight smile grew on his face. "And in the related bar at the top Michaels name popped up, so I clicked it."

"Mhm." She cooed softly, gently encouraging him to continue.

"And I was just rolling through the images when I saw one that just knocked the breath right out of me.." He finally finished sprinkling the cheese and he was starting to wrap them up, pinning them closed with two toothpicks each just to keep the image out of his mind. "It was.. it was his facial expression. Eyes narrowed, lips puckered.. Edges on fleek as always." He laughed, making her laugh too. "And I think it might have been in the Dangerous or History era from the shirt he was wearing. I knew it was late nineties because of his hat and skin tone. But girl, I stared at that picture for a good five minutes, zooming in and trying to mesmerize every single pixel. And then the oddest.. the oddest feeling washed over me. It was like the heat pooling in my lower abdomen and next thing I knew.. you know, I was uh.."

"Hard?" She laughed.

"Hard." He blushed. "And yeah.. that's pretty much how I knew. I wanted to explore my sexuality a few days and in the coming weeks after that.. but it was the mid to late two thousands, and you know how homosexuality was viewed back then.. We couldn't even marry largely in the United States until Obama came and changed all that. And back then I still had that good boy persona in the media, I didn't want to risk losing it. And Jeff had told me regardless that their was a young up incoming singer that he wanted me to meet and possibly date for.. you know, publicity."

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