How Tyga Got His Groove Back

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It was the day after the Kardashian party. 

The kids were over Uncle Trey's house playing with Forest. Because as long as Chris is single, Trey is a pretty cool guy to hang around. He's trying to convince Chris's twins to tell their mommy that Uncle Trey would be the perfect daddy for them just like he is for Forest. Okay, let's get real, who in the hell names their kid Forest to begin with? His baby momma's on something I swear. 

Anyways it was time for Chris to head over to Tyga's home to let him see the lyrics he woke up for that song yesterday. For some reason he is just not responding to any calls or texts and that's making Chris a little worried. Because we all now how much Tiger loves to talk. Hopefully that whole Kylie break up didn't take too much out of him. Maybe it's just his newfound 'Mommy senses' but he just knows something is up with his friend.

Arriving at the big mansion, Chris parked his 2019 red Bugatti in his normal parking spot and jogged up to the front door as his hand reached down his front pocket to grab his keys so he could unlock the front door. 

Unlocking the front door, Chris took his keys out of the door and shut it behind him, locking in. He was just about to call out for his friend when he barely hear very faint sounds in the distance and with his curiosity peaked he turned to start walking in the direction of the noises, they were coming from the den.

As he entered the hallway he thought he heard a 'mmm' sound? But it was probably coming from the television, right? 

Walking along, his footsteps silent as his breath hitched in his throat he quietly made his way to the entrance of his friend's den only to see a sight that make his eyes widen and his lower jaw drop.

Tyga was kissing another guy!?

"What the hell!?" Chris exclaimed, making Tyga and the mystery man jump in surprise.

"Chris!?" Tyga gasped, "What the hell are you doing here!?"

"I came over to let you read the lyrics I woke for that song the other day.. I tried calling and texting you but you never responded and well I guess you could say my parental instincts told me something was up.. and I see I was right, the thing was your cock!" he snickered, making Tyga's face redden.

"This.. this isn't what it looks like I-" Chris cut him off.

"Tiger would you stop?" He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms off his chest. "Honestly. That's just pathetic. Trying to convince another gay guy that you're not getting some dick on the side.. like me of all people would care."

Tyga and the mystery man let out a sigh of relief. "Damn man, for a second I forgot."

Chris just rolled his eyes. "So is he gonna run around or nah? Because if he's hot I'm gonna need to know if he has a gay brother or something."

The man laughed as he turned his head to look at Chris. "Hi.. my name is Scott."

"Scott? Kendall's Scott? Dammit Tyga! You're dating another Kardashian!? Haven't you had enough of them yet? You dump a Kardashian and just pick up another Kardashian what the hell is this? You're life is like a fucking Mexican soap opera of drama."

Scott chuckled. 

"Okay Chris first of all.. him and Kendall isn't together anymore and secondly, his last name isn't Kardashian."

"Like that means it any better." Chris rolled over to the den and tapped on Scott's shoulder, "Move over.. why you all up on him like somebody wants his ugly ass?"

"Hey!" Tyga exclaimed as Scott got up and went the other side of Tyga so Chris could sit right here. "I am right here you know!"

"I know." Chris rolled his eyes, sitting down and making himself comfortable. "And did you know you're suppose to tell you're best friend when you're bending over for some of that dick? Or was it so good you just forgot?"

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