The Chris Sensation

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He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said the five words he's been waiting to say for a little over two weeks now.

'I'm in love with you.'

He didn't know what to suspect, Chris was the only man he's ever dated in his entire life. And he really came onto him first, or at flirted. But it wasn't the 1950's anymore right? It was 2018 and gay marriage has been legal for like three years now. Things have changed big since then.

When he opened his eyes his heart felt like it just been ripped out of his chest and stomped on, repeatedly.

There Kirko was, looking at him from across the table with a blank, almost disbelieving look on his face. "What did you just say?" He asked quietly. Almost too quietly.

August took a shaky breath and repeated his prior statement. "I'm in love with you." He said in calmly and slowly.

A few seconds passed. Then Kirko started laughing. "You can't be serious?"

August was stunned. And by the expression on his face, Kirko stopped laughing.

"Mane what the fuck is wrong witchu?" He spat. "I ain't gay."

"What? But I felt something for you.. I hadn't felt for no body sin-"

"I don't care what you felt. Bitch, I ain't gay. Never even thought bout a man that way. This is why straight dudes don't fuck witchu fags, always think we feelin' dem cause we tryna be nice and shit."

In a moment of desperation, August long arms flew across the table. "Kirk please, I understand how you feel. I felt the same way."

August's hand touched Kirko's stomach and he jumped up to his feet. His face was reddening in anger. "Mane back the fuck up!"

August sighed and blinked away a few tears in his eyes. "Please Kirk.. just.. have a seat.. I'm sorry.."

Kirko sighed and nodded, slowly getting back in his seat.

"I.. I knew you weren't gay.. I just thought that maybe.. you'd like to try it?"

Kirko looked like he just swallowed sour milk and was about to vomit in his mouth.

"It's really not that bad.. I'll go gentle.." August smiled weakly, looking at the Houstonian with tear soaked eyes.

"Fam.. better stop it." Kirko mumbled lowly, his hands balling into his fists and then unballing slowly.

"Kirko I'm serious! I.. I love you.. I want to be with you.." August leaned over and touched Kirko's arm.

Kirko's heart beat was accelerating from the touch. But not it a way August hoped for. "Last time. Back. The. Fuck. Up." He was so mad he was seeing red as he tried his deep breathing routine that seldom ever worked.

Out the corner of his eye he saw as August's hand when up to touch his cheek. He shot an arm up, knocked it out of his face and jumped up. "Bitch I don't fucking play like that! Might be cool in the swamps of New Orleans but a Houston dude will blast a bitch."

August got up and took a step towards him. Everything moving a bit in slow motion at this point. His own heartbeat was pumping in his eardrums. So chilling his chocolate skin developed goosebumps.

Kirko was still standing in front of his chair. He was looking at August angrily with his jaw tensed. Halfway because when thought he did know that August was gay , he never expected him to try that funny shit on him.

August was struggling to take footsteps but still managed closer and closer. "Listen Kirk.. why don't we at least touch? Just to try it?"

Kirko said nothing and just watched as August took a step closer; a step too close. Kirk's right hand shot down to his waist, grabbing his baggy dark grey polo and jerking it up.

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