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It has been two weeks since the whole drama was Nicki and about a month or so since he's had an encounter with Chris, not that he didn't want to talk to him. It was just that.. he felt as though it was for the best to remain distant, well at least for now. Maybe when he's recording with him and Jacquees a few weeks from now they can patch things up or at least come to better terms. At this point August was growing so desperate just to spend time with him that he was willing to just be friends and leave it square at that.

The problem was that Chris probably didn't want any contact with him, and yeah.. okay. He guess he kind of saw where he was coming from with that.

And as he lay flat on his back, arms stretched and legs apart he stared at the ceiling and blinked. In good news, it's been two years and his eyesight had stayed the same; hasn't gotten worse but sadly hasn't gotten better either. But he wasn't completely out of the clear yet, he has about three more years to wait to see how things with his vision are doing.

On top of that, lately he's been getting headaches and hasn't been sleeping well. But he's not too scared about it, he just chalks it all up to the fact Chris hates him, Nicki doesn't ever want anything to do with him again and Veronica won't fucking drop those damn charges.

But hey, good news is that his album should hopefully drop in time for him to celebrate it a free man. Before he has the possibility of jail time.

Today he had to get back at it and head to the studio to record a song with Kirko Bangs. But get this, not for his album but for Kirko's since apparently Kirk doesn't want to be in his album now since of all the scandals and shit.

And to be honest, August wouldn't blame him. He's life was pretty much breaking into pieces around him at the moment. And he primarily blamed Veronica for that, what with her refusing to drop charges to the case she booked against him. She was being more of a bitch than Chris was an this point.

Beside him on his nightstand, his alarm clock beeped loudly alerting him that it was now six thirty in the morning. But jokes on the alarm clock, he's been up laying in bed since two thirty five this morning. Just basically being as still and as motionless as he could be, thinking about his life. His past growing up in NOLA and struggling just hoping to one day have enough money as to never stress about food or paying bills again, his present alone and cold on a Californian King sized comprised of a memory foam and cooling gel mix, and of course his future the possibility of spending a few locked up in a cage the chance of never getting Chris back or never knowing who the father of those kids are.

He sighed and grimaced at the odor of his morning breath. Getting up off the deep burgundy satin sheets, his feet touched the cold hardwood floor and instantly he patted his way into the bathroom.

Maybe a nice hot shower would snap him out of it, this way he was feeling.

After the shower he didn't actually feel a little better. It really did seem to snap him out of his feelings and now he was kind of excited to get to the studio and meet Kirko for the first time.

He threw on some light denim straight leg jeans and his long African tribal shirt that fell over his butt, then stepped into his black converses and tied the laces up.

As he was getting ready he couldn't hope but to think about how Chris's morning typically go what with raising two kids all by himself, as far as he knows anyway.

Eventually about an hour after getting out of bed, he hung two gold necklaces around his neck and spritzed on his cologne on his way out of his bedroom door. He had everything he needed for today, his wallet, his phone and most importantly himself with his head now in the game. It was just hard around this time of the year for him.

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