Louisianian Whore

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Chris was busy upstairs getting dressed after his morning shower, which he always took after giving the twins their baths, separately of course.

Downstairs, Cameron and Carmella were in the living room stacking foam bricks on top of the other to make a little wall for the neighborhood that they just build when the doorbell chimed. Sense Chris lived in a gated mansion guarded by two different security codes that had to be typed digit for digit and letter for letter on the keypad, his children were allowed to answer the door from him when he wasn't in the room or was busy. Mostly it was just Uncle Jeff stopping by for a visit, Uncle Trey dropping off Forest or Uncle Tyga dropping King off to play for a while so there was no real danger present.

The doorbell chimed again and Carmella glared at her brother with a pink foam brick in her tiny hand. "Well? Go get it!" she huffed, rolled her eyes. She was such a little diva, Chris thinks she inherited that from both him and his mother.

Cameron groaned and threw his head back as he whined. "Why me? You got two legs that work!" he huffed, standing to his full height of barely over three feet. He held out his hand and helped his twin sister onto her feet.

"You do nothing around here!" she exclaimed, shoving her small hand in his face. "Boy you better get it!"

By this time the doorbell ranged once more and growing annoyed she sighed, turning her head to look at her lazy brother. "We will both get it."

Grinning, he grabbed his sister's hand and together they walked to the door before going their separate ways, Carmella went to tell whoever was ringing to wait a minute while her brother fetched the little step ladder they used to get to high places.

After four rings August was growing a little impatient and a lot more nervous. What if Chris didn't live here anymore? What if he moved back to Virginia or Heaven forbid he actually was died. His right index finger moved to press the doorbell again when a little annoyed voice stopped him. 

"Coming! Coming! We are small! Hold on!" 

Shocked, he dropped his hand as his brows raised. Well, that was unexpected. Who was that little girl? Maybe Chris had company and now was a bad time? He would leave but hearing all the commotion going on behind that door he would feel bad having whoever they were struggle in vain. So now with a new found sense of patience he quietly waited and listened to the voices.

"No! It goes the other way! The other way!" the little girl whined.

"You are bugging me!" A little boy groaned. 

He heard the lock on the front door click and about a minute or two later the door slowly opened. That the most bizarre thing happened, a little girl who couldn't be anymore than two answered it was a friendly smile. But that's not the odd part, the odd part was the fact she looked like him, she looked like Chris too a little more Chris then him which made her adorable. Her big dark brown eyes widened as her head tilted all the way back to look at him.

"Yes?" she said with a little attitude to match her little body as she crossed her little arms over her little chest. She wore a lavender colored long skirt, a short sleeve white and black horizontal striped shirt and hot pink socks on her little feet.

August chuckled at this. "Is Chris home?" he asked softly.

The little girl nodded. "Yes, Mommy is upstairs.. why?"

Mommy? August thought to himself as he looked down at her. Soon a little boy who looked similar to her stood beside her, the only real difference was the fact he looked a little more like August than the little girl did. What the actual fuck?

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