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He ended up staying over and kicking it with Tyga for hours. They talked about a lot and he learned a lot about him, like he was mixed and he has a pet tiger which is kinda ironic because Tyga rhymes with tiger and his real name was Michael. Which to August explained a lot.


August sighed and wiped the tears that rimmed his eyes off on his gray shirt. He let out a shaky sigh and scratched the stubble that was growing on his cheek. It had been three weeks since Chris officially ended things with him and he just could not stop crying. What was worse was that it got leaked to the media and every tabloid and news station was playing the tape of India shoved all the faux evidence in Chris's face on repeat. 

Rubbing his sore, swollen red eyes, August reached over to grab his phone "I I've had enough of all of this shit, I need a break." He mumbled, licking his lips as he tapped on Kylie's name in his contact list. He selected call and let out a deep sigh as the phone self dialed in his ear.

Kylie answered soon after. "Hello?" She asked, sounding a little tense.

"Hey bahbeh!" August smirked a little, "What's up?"

Kylie rolled her eyes and sighed, "August.. I thought you lost my number."

"What? Nah.. Why would I go and do somethang like dat, ma?" He smiled, running his tongue along his white upper teeth.

"Because you haven't called me in like four weeks.. just is basically of month.. so yeah, there's that." Normally when August didn't her call for sometime Kylie would sound very jealous and envious of however else he was spending time with. But now she just sounded annoyed.

"Yeah uh.. I was workin' with somethangs.. Can I run through real quick?" He asked cockily, Kylie never turned his ass down before and she wasn't about to start doing that shit today.

"No." She said strongly.

"Wait.. what?" August asked, furrowing this eyebrows together, "What do you mean no? You wanna drop back ma place den?"

"I meant no as in N O no. August.. I don't need this. I don't need to be treated like a sex toy. I'm tried of being just a pawn in some game to you. I'm a beautiful young woman August! And Oprah says beautiful young women should respect themselves and be with a man that respected them as well! You don't respect me August, in fact you don't respect anybody. You didn't respect India or her body and you damn sure didn't respect Chris! Nobody deserves to deal with and handle what you put that poor boy through! All he ever did as love you! And you didn't respect his body either, if you did you would of been happy with having sex with him and only him, and you damn sure didn't respect that disaster of a relationship! And instead of call him to say sorry and try to make things right, you called me to come over here and get your dick wet. I'm not even eighteen you pervert! And because you are fucking people all willy nilly, that shows that you don't even have respect for yourself or your body either. And that's just a damn shame. So goodbye August and I hope to never see someone as disrespectful as you again. And don't even bother showing up because I do not deserve to be in the presence of a guy who doesn't respect my body or even like me. In fact, sense you showed no respect for me, I went over to find someone who would! And so I'm with Michael now. And guess what? Michael actually respects me and my body! And he likes me! He like like likes me! And that makes me happy! So take that and shove it up your ass you heartless son of a bitch!" 

And after that.. interesting conversation, all he heard was a dial tone.

Flashback Over

So yeah, knowing that he name was Michael explained a whole lot. 

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