Trapped In A Closet

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For Chris, the day has gone exactly to plan. More or less, it's hard to plan anything with two two year olds bouncing around driving you halfway insane.

In the morning his body nature woke him up at around eight thirty or nine o'clock. He went and got his twins up and after a little struggle on his part, the Sun's rays finally got them up. Together they went downstairs into the kitchen. The littles ones watched the morning's cartoons while Chris was busy in the kitchen cooking, they ate blueberry waffles with cinnamon spiced whipped cream and watched episodes Paw Patrol and The Backyardigans on Nick Jr.. Then Chris gave Cameron a bath, then a Carmella a bath and took a shower himself while the two year olds entertained themselves watching the morning Spongebob episodes.

After Chris had finished his shower in was close to noon, they all went outside to play on the play set Uncle Trey had just brought for them. And during his time, Chris just supervised them while he flipped through the new editions of a few parenting magazines. This went for two hours before Chris called them inside to watch The Looney Tunes while he started preparing a rare late lunch. But once again, nothing is perfectly planned with two two year olds running around. Lunch took an additional hour today because he was being a little extra and making a recipe he found on The Food Network's website for a kid friendly summer salad.

After lunch, they played with blocks for an hour while Chris causally cleaned up the house. Picking up some toys here, wiping a few counters off there, using a Swifter wet jet, disinfecting the remotes, basic things like that.

When an hour was up, Chris put his toddlers down for there nap around two thirty to three o'clock which gave him a chance to catch his stories, or movies rather.

Yeah, no idea way but in his second trimester he was flipping through some channels and ended up landing on LifeTime and he's been hooked every since.

Guess it was just something about being a mother, all mothers love LifeTime.

He got halfway into a movie he's seen a few times about a man who met this crazy ass woman online, decided to marry and then the bitch tried to kill him. But sadly he had to stop watching it after ninety minutes or so because it was getting close to the time that the twins would wake up.

They had some orange slices to keep them hydrated in the summer's heat while Chris taught them some new words, reviewed the alphabet and then taught them just basic math equations. That's why they were so smart, he's been teaching them everyday since they were old enough to sit up on their own. It was just his way of trying to get them prepared for school and for life really. Once again, his worse fear was that they would turn out like Will Smith's kids, Willow and Jaden Smith.

And after 'school' they all sat down and watched a few episodes of Sesame Street together on Netflix before Chris had to get up and start getting dinner ready while the kids played with their toy blocks and watched whatever was on Sprout.

Tonight they were having chicken cheese fajitas with a mild peach habanero salsa of sorts. It was a recipe that he saw whilst browsing a foodie magazine a few days ago and had been dying to try it out every since. And tonight was finally the night.

And while he was in the middle of slicing up some green bell pepper, his phone rang. He put the knife down on the cutting board, reached into his pocket and answered it, "Hello?" He didn't bother to check and see who it was, mostly because he was already late in getting ready for dinner and he didn't to feed the twins before they got too tired to eat. His voice didn't sound stressed and tired yet it didn't sound happy and relaxed either. Just somewhere in between.

"You are never going to believe what that fool just up and did." A soft and delicate yet pissed off female voice all but hissed in his ear.

He recognized the calker's voice instantly.

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