November 11th

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Today he was headed to Tyga's place to chill and relax with his best friend while Jeff's mother babysat his twins. Why? Well she said Jeff wasn't all that good looking like his father was ,sadly, and the reality was that he'd probably never get a girlfriend, never get married, never have children and thus she would not have grandchildren of her own. So she might as well adopt Chris's twins are her grandkids. He trusted her like he trusted Jeff and he knew they were in good hands so he wasn't even worried about it.

Driving in his silver Mercedes to Tyga's mansion a few hours away, he hummed and thought briefly of his encounter with August the other day. Did he really think he was still as dumb and as vulnerable as he was two years ago? Nuh uh, with his babies by his side he didn't need no man. Boy the nerve of that idiot. He was glad to be moving out of the mansion soon it held too many memories and with all his exes knowing his address it was time to move on.

After the four hour drive, he parked outside of Tyga's mansion in his driveway and jogged up the sidewalk and steps of his porch to knock on his front door. As he did so he noticed a couple of moving vans and figured the obvious, someone was either moving in or moving out. And by the way people were carrying boxes inside of the mansion, it was clear someone new was moving in but he was a little too stressed from yesterday to want to be nosy. He ranged the doorbell for good measure as well. But a few minutes past before Chris ,groaning, reached in his pocket to snatch his keys and pull them out. He had a key to Tyga's house just like Tyga had a key to his. Unlocking the door, he walked inside and called out to his best friend.

"Yo Tyga! Where the hell are you, man?"

Tyga's laughed echoed through the house as Chris turned to shut and lock his front door after removing his keys and shoving them back in his pocket."I'm in here!"

Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes, strolling through the first level of the gold and black mansion. "But that doesn't tell me nothing! This is a giant ass house!"

His friend groaned and jogged to the door to meet his friend. They did here usual handshake, Tyga asked about Carmella and Cameron in that order and after he was done filling him in on some cute events he asked about King who was over to Rob's and Black Chyna's place.

He shook his head, "Man did you ever see in her man?" Chris asked, following Tyga through his house.

Chuckling, his smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "Hell if I know. Those giant ass fake tits and ass I guess," he laughed, "I should be asking you the same thing about August."

Chris scoffed and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "Don't even mention that dumbass." he mumbled in a low growl.

"Why? What he do this time? I thought ya ain't talked in two years?" Tyga paused and plopped down on his black sectional, looking over at Chris and waiting for his best friend to fill him in on the tea.

Chris rolled his eyes and sat down beside his best friend, "Fool had the nerve to drop by yesterday and talk about how he's this 'changed man'," he uncrossed his arms to do air quotes around the phrase, "and all this other bullshit. I told his to leave and get out of my face."

Tyga smiled nervously as he looked at Chris, "Why uh.. you two ain't on the best terms right now?"

"I'm fine with his ass but mad as hell.. if that makes any sense." He shrugged, leaning back against the sectional as he arched his eyebrow at him. "Why are you looking at me like you just fucked up big time?"

Tyga laughed, Chris knew him so well, "Well ah, I invited August to chill with us today if that's alright with you.."

He simply shrugging his shoulders, "It's your house, Tiger.. I just thought he wouldn't be cool with you because of the whole 'you stole Kylie away from being his personal fuck toy' thing?"

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