What The Hell? (4)

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Scarlett's POV


I read the text over and over again, confused as I looked up to find out who is was from, but the number was anonymous. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I just shrugged it off. Annabel stopped crying and looked up at me. "What's wrong, mummy?" She asked.

"Nothing. I'm fine darling." I smiled away my sadness. I'd do this for my daughter, "Look. Bedtime." I tell Annabel, looking at the wall clock. She sighed, hopped off my knee and toddled into her room. I sat in my chair still for a few minutes and then stood up, walked out.

"Are you okay?" Summer asked me as I padded into the living room, my eyes wide and my structure stiff.

"No," I answered. "I've just been told to die." I said with no expression.

"Oh god! That's terrible. Who said that?!" Summer gasped.

"I don't even know." I sighed, biting my lip.

"Well call the number back." Summer suggested. I felt my mobile vibrate in my hands. My eyes were held tight shut and I opened them once more to read the message.

You're worthless. I'm gonna kill you.

"Oh my god!" I gasped, tugging on my hair. 

"Just, quick! Call them back!" Summer urged and I nodded, hesitantly pressing the green phone button. I heard it ring, then eventually it buzzed me through.

"Hello?" A familiar, articulate voice asked. A thick, but certainly not posh accent. 

"Dan?!" I shrieked, but before he could reply I slammed down the phone, breathing loud and repetitive. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Dan?" Summer whispered. My cheeks burned red.

"Oh fuck." I said out loud to myself, then ran out of my apartment, screaming and crying.

is this the end? ⇝ dan howell [book two]Where stories live. Discover now