This Is The End. (Finale)

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  • Dedicated to all of you guys<3

August 22nd 2014


Scarlett’s Point of View.

"I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" I screamed, running out of my bedroom and collapsing on to the couch. "I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" I repeated again, just as loud.

"Yay!" Summer screamed back, still not as enthusiastic as I hoped, but she was painting her nails so I let her off. 

Autumn stumbled out her bedroom, letting out a yawn. "What is all this-"

"I'M GETTING MARRIED TODAY!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Quiet, you'll wake the neighbours." Summer said, shushing me with her wet nails.

"The neighbours are just jealous because they aren't getting married today." I scoffed, picking up an apple.

"What time do we have to be at the church for?" Summer asked.

"Ten o'clock." I smiled eagerly.

"And now it's seven?" Summer questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Babe that's too early."

"Not if you're getting married it isn't!" I shrieked, still grinning madly. I paused. "Holy crap I'm getting married." I said quietly.

"Has it just sunk in?" Autumn laughed and I nodded, using a chair to support me before I fell over and fainted. "Aw sweetheart."

"Come here," Summer said, "Let me paint you're nails now. What colour?" 

"Red." I replied, sitting down as the intoxicating smell drifted up my nose.

Today I become Scarlett Howell.


“You look beautiful.” Summer told me, dressed elegantly in her royal blue bridesmaid dress. I looked at myself in the mirror. I, Scarlett Evans would be marrying my everything. I’d be marrying the guy I met online, the guy who stopped me from killing myself, my best friend. I couldn’t decide if I was ready to do this. I loved him, so I guess that didn’t matter. All of this nervousness was normal, or so I was told.

“Thank you Sums, you look stunning too.” I smiled at her but through my reflection.

My long brown locks were in a graceful bun on the top of my head and my brown eyes (only shades darker than my hair) had winged black eyeliner on that wasn’t too heavy, but still looked great. After all, I had promised Summer to do my makeup.

I did end up getting that super perfect but totally expensive dress from the store (y’know the one I spilt cake and wine on? Yeah...) and it was just so, amazing. Annabel toddled into the dressing room wearing her matching to Summer’s, bridesmaid dress and a little silver tiara. “Mummy you look like a princess!” She told me as I picked her up and adjusted her crown.

“Aw thank you sweetie, you look like an even prettier princess though!” I cooed at her, tickling her as she giggled and pleaded me to stop.

“Scarlett, darling, it’s ready.” My uncle said, knocking on the door.

“Coming!” I called back.

Summer took a hold of Annabel’s hand and they walked first. I took deep breaths, reminding myself that I could do it. I waited for my dad to come in, and when he did, we decided to go for it. I was at the bottom of the aisle, and the familiar track began to play. You know the one you here on all of those romantic movies. The one that goes;

Dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun....


Autumn, Madeline and Hayley were already at the bottom. My mum and Elliot were sitting at the front with Dan’s mum and Adrian. And then I looked up to see Dan, who was grinning cheekily, looking so handsome in his tux. My heart was fluttering when I seen him. We reached the top where the vicar was standing and my father quickly pecked me on the forehead, before scurrying away.

“Hi.” I whispered as our fingers intertwined.

“Hi.” He smiled back.

“The rings?” The vicar asked as Phil stepped forward, in his tuxedo and handed the vicar the rings. The vicar then handed them to both I and Dan.

“I, Daniel James Howell, take thee Scarlett Marie Evans to be my lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.”

“And, I , Scarlett Marie Evans, take thee, Daniel James Howell, to be my lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do us part.”

We exchanged rings. "As I place this ring on your finger, I pledge that I am yours." Dan said and I smiled.

"You may now, kiss the bride." The vicar blessed as Dan leaned in and kissed me.

Everyone stood up and applauded. "I love you, bear." I whispered, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I love you too." He replied, pecking me again on the cheek. 

At that moment, I didn't dare question anything I had wondered in my entire life because all that mattered was the fact I was with the man that I loved. 

Is this the end?

This is only the beginning...

the end. omg i can't believe it's finished. so glad it has though, i loved writing this short series (Well 2 books). i'm going to post a massive authors note soon if you want to read it to find out about upcoming danfics, stories, ideas, etc etc etc <3 :)

love you lots internet :s

-Rachel! x

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