Lego Land: Day One (29)

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Dan's POV

This sucks. There was six seats at the back of the bus. Phil was closest to the window, because he had a thing about being next to a window. Then Summer sat next to him. She was asleep. Then the unnamed twins sat just infront in her little bumpy wumpy. The Scarlett sat next to her. She was talking to this old woman with wispy grey hair, and I could tell she was regretting every moment. Then I sat next to her, and to be honest, I was on my phone the whole time. We had no wifi, and 3G was slow, so I was just trying to beat my high score of four, on Flappy Bird. Annabel sat behind me, reading out loud 'The Tiger Who Came To Tea'.

"And then the tiger came downstairs, and he ate all the cake! There was a knock at the door.

'Daddy's home!' mum called while Sophie was in the bath.

Sophie's dad walked in and he, he ga- gaaaah.."

"Gasped." I told her, looking down at the illustrated page.

"He gasped in sight of the large tiger..." Annabel continued in her loud voice.

Then sitting next to Annabel, and the window was Autumn, who I could totally tell was trying to get to sleep. But the two eight year old girls in front of her who were gossiping about some one called Justin plus, Annabel was really frustrating her.

And you see, I learned a lot about this Justin guy on the trip there.

1. He liked to play football.

2. He went to Seabrook Primary School.

3. He had blonde hair.

3. He used to date girl number one, but then he fancied girl number two. 

4. Girl number two fancied him.

5. He asked out girl number two while he was still dating girl number one.

6. Girl number one was called Ella.

7. Girl number two was called...

"Annabel! No! That's my name!" Annabel shrieked at the girl infront of her and Autumn. She flung the Tiger Who Came To Tea on the floor and started to kick and scream. "Mummy! Daddy! She took my name! I'm called Annabel." I put her on my knee and tried to calm her down.

"There is loads of people who are called Annabel you know. It's a very popular name because it is a very pretty name. Now will you please calm down love?" I asked her as she started to sob quietly. She gave a little nod. "Good girl."

"Well any way, I suit the name Annabel better." Girl number two muttered.

"Hey!" I shouted but then I stopped myself. There was no way I could sass out an eight year old girl, especially when her parents were right infront of them.

About half an hour passed and we were well out of London. There was a lot of trees, and grass, and it seemed we were in the countryside. I don't think any of us liked it. The blazing hot sun seemed to beam through the thin curtain material, even though both Phil and Autumn had closed it. 

Phil rubbed his eyes and yawned, "Are we there yet?" He asked.

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