Is It Really Worth It? (18)

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Scarlett's POV

I had seen it in the Danisnotonfire videos, but I never thought it would actually be staring at me. It's beady brown eyes bored into my back, I stood, not blinking. Finally, I couldn't win. I sighed as my watery eyes closed. "Damn you wooden Guinea pig." I mumbled under my breath, and turned around. Annabel picked it up and walked upstairs with it. "Well okay then."

"So this is Casa le Dan and Phil?" Summer asked, her eyes scanning the room, finally observing a tetris lamp. She clicked it on ans smiled.

"Yes," Phil said. "If you want, I'll show you a quick little tour?"

Dan held up his iPhone and said, "No need," he pressed play and it had seemed there was already a tour video on Dan's YouTube. We watched it and when it had finished, I nodded. "Where will Anna sleep?" I questioned.

"There is a room opposite ours. It's small, used to be our office, but it will do for now." Dan said.

"I'm hungry..." Summer sighed, placing her hands on her hips. "We should make dinner."

"Good idea." Said Phil, and the three all turned to me.

"No, no, no," I said. "You guys know I can't cook."

"I could make stir fry," Dan said.

When Dan and I used to live together, that would be the only thing he was capable of making. Well, that and toast, and about eighty percent of the time the toast would be burned.

"I doubt Annabel will eat that. She's fussy, you know." I replied.

"We should go out then, what does she like?" Phil suggested.

And at that very moment, Annabel ran into the room screaming, "McDonalds! McDonalds!"

"Okay." I giggled. "But we should unpack first."

After I had unpacked my clothes and essentials, we all met back into the living room. "Ughh, can we go now?" Annabel dragged her words.

"Yeah okay." I said. "Dan will you grab my jacket!" I called.


Dan's POV

I took Scarlett's leather jacket from the peg and watched a crumpled peice of paper fall from the pocket. As I picked it up, it sort of unfolded in my hands. I read it, furious. I ripped up the paper and chucked it back on the ground before entering Scarlett's bedroom, who was holding Annabel.

"Marcus Butler?" I shouted. Scarlett put Annabel down.

"Who, wait, what?" Scarlett stuttered.

"Marcus? I'm not stupid Scarlett! You're a cheater!"

"Dan, I have no idea what you're talking about!" Scarlett choked, her eyes getting teary.

"What's going on?" Phil asked, walking into the room followed by Summer.

"Scarlett has been cheating on me with Marcus!" I exclaimed.

"I've never even met Marcus Butler!" Scarlett said. "You know that Dan!" 

"So why the hell was his number in your coat pocket?" I quizzed her.

I heard Summer inhale but it didn't bother me. "What the hell Dan! I don't know why! I love you, I'd never cheat on you!" 

"So why can't you explain this!" I shouted.

"Because it never happened!" Scarlett shouted back.

"Why should I believe you?" I questioned her.

"Because I'm your girlfriend!"

"You sure about that? You sure you're not Marcus' girlfriend?" I said sarcastically.

"Don't fight..." Annabel sobbed quietly.

"Are you actually for real, Dan? Did you actually just say that? I hate you, I really freaking hate you right now." Scarlett gasped, her eyes going red.

I suddenly felt really guilty. Scarlett ran out our apartment picking up Annabel. I ran after her. Fuck, what was I doing? I couldn't loose her, not again...

"No Scar! Please I love you so much! I was an idiot, I didn't know what I was doing-"

What have I done? I never even let her explain! 

"Too right you didn't! Get away from me!" Scarlett screamed, pushing me away.

"Mummy, daddy? Stop fighting, please." I heard Annabel whimper her my arms.

"This is it, Daniel Howell. Goodbye." Were her final words before turning her heel.

The rain splattered violently against myself. It was soaking through my shirt. My hair was wet and drooping down. Within seconds my 'girlfriend' had disappeared.

What the hell just happened.

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