We're Screwed

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                         Anti POV
      When I was with Y/N she was so calm and collected. And she was just herself. When I put my arms around her neck gently, she never flinched. She was still calm. Is she alright with us demons? Did Jack tell her about me? I know she knows who Dark is.
      I know when Y/N hit the couch she fell asleep. She looked cute but she has Jack as her boyfriend. I can't just take her from him. I am such a dick.
     This plan was to somehow get Jack and Mark to come here and find Y/N. Then hurt them in front of her. We are trying to show her they are angels. And we're trying to show her that they are different from other normal people. I really don't think it is going to work.
     Dark says its going to work. This really isn't going to work. Y/N was sleeping peacefully, why did she have to so cute while sleeping?
                       Jack POV
     When Anti took Y/N, I was pissed. Mark tried to calm me. While Cry was cheering me on. I think Mark won at calming me down.
      "I need to get Y/N back. He can't just take her like that." I screamed. "Jack that's what they want. Their making a plan. We need to make a plan too." Mark replied.
                       Making a plan
       "How about we just kill them on the spot?" Cry asked. "No, that's what they want us to do. We need a distraction." Mark replied. Mark and I looked at Cry. "Why me?" "They don't really know you. But they know us. You will be the perfect distraction." I replied. "Fine." Cry whined. "Then we have a plan." Mark smiled.
                       End of Plan
                        Dark POV
     I teleport to where Anti and Y/N were supposed to be. When I got there, Anti was just staring at Y/N. The way he was looking at her, was creepy.
When I crept behind Anti he flinched and said "When did you get here, you asshole?" "Just a couple of seconds ago." I replied low and slow. "You must like her." I said. "Yeah, but I'm not going to take her from Jack. I am already a dick..." Anti voice trailed off. "It's alright, somewhat of a brother." I replied. He acted to like a brother to me.
Maybe a few minutes passed, we heard a scream outside of the basement window. I looked to see someone with a mask. "Guess who's here."I told Anti. "Who." "Another victim." I replied with a smile.
             Cry gets tied into a chair
"Now she has a frie-" Anti was cut off by Mark and Jack teleporting next to Cry and Y/N. "Bitch please. Like we are going to leave our friends here with ya physcos." Jack said. "The douches are trying to save the day." I said walking over to Mark. His red hair flared into flames when I came close. Jack's eyes glowed green when he looks at either Anti or me.
"Of were so screwed." Anti said.

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