Christmas Eve!

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                       2 weeks later
                        Y/N POV
  "It's Christmas Eve! 1 more day and we get to see who got us what!" Unknown informed us. "I can't wait!" Jack sounded like a child. "Yeah. Can we have a party to celebrate?" I asked. "Fuck yeah we can!" Jack replied. "We need alcohol!" Mark said. "Can you drink, since you had the issue?" I asked. "Yeah, it won't hurt me to have a little!" ( Mark's going to be able to drink in this story )
                        At the mall
   We looked around everywhere, when we finally see some alcohol. It was still on the shelf. "Look their's some booze! Oh my goodness, we are going to be drunk! " Jack laughed. " What are we waiting for? The moon to shine. Fuck no! Let's go!" I ran in and grab some of the alcohol. By the time we got to the car, we were tired. "Okay, when we get to the apartment we get drunk." Jack yawned. He put his arm full of alcohol into the car. Now we were leaving to the apartment.
                        Back home
    "Let's get this party started!" I yelled. We all got a handful along the bottles and put them inside. "Okay, now we need some light." Jack turned off the lights. I froze as I heard footsteps go upstairs and then back down. "I need a outlet, please!" Jack said. "Right there." It was so obvious to me. "Where?" "Go straight, until you hit the wall, but be careful. Hold the ball on top of your head." 'Can I see in the dark?' "Ow, that hurt. But I found it! Thanks Y/N!" Jack yelled.
     He pulled in the disco ball, just to be blinded by the colors. "Fuck. That hurts my eyes!" Jack yelled walking away. "Of course, doofus." I laughed. "That's really cool! " Marzia said. "Everyone get out of my way I want to instagram this!" Unknown yelled. So we all did, but to me Jack's was the cutest.
      "Now we can party!" We all grab shot glasses and started to drink. By maybe a few bottles, we were all drunk. Jack being the Irish person he is, drank a whole bottle by himself. "Oh...Y/N, your so pretty." Jack slurred. "Jack, you need to drink some more." I laughed by me being a dumbass. "No, you need to drink some." Jack slurred, giving me a freshly opened bottle. I took a sip and Jack laughed. "What's so funny?" I asked. "That you look so pretty and we may forget about Christmas!" Jack slurred even more. "Jack your just as handsome as I am!" I started to slur. "Oh, yeah. Ya sure about that?"  "I'm positive." I kissed Jack. He blushed. "Oh, get a room!" Cry slurred. Jack started to kiss back, a few moments he picked me up and we went upstairs.
    Jack dropped me in the bed. "Get some sleep." "I don't wanna!" I whined. "Fine, come here." Jack layed down and pulled me closer to him. A few minutes later, I fell asleep to Jack's soft snores.

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