Cry's Fight and Reunited

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                       Cry POV
      Everything was so quiet, then I heard a knock on the door.  'Who could it be?' I wondered sarcastically. "Who is it?" I asked. "It's Unknown, dammit- sorry Y/N." Y/N said. "Unknown" "Who's Unknown?" "Just let me in. I'll explain." Y/N screamed. "Fine." I said opening the door and she ran in.
      "Do you know who Unknown is? It's just a random question." She asked. "Y-yes, I do. S-she was a good hacker, better than I would ever be. She helped me become the best." I stuttered. "Well, she kind of talks to me in my head."   Y/N said. "Really? Tell her I said hi!" I hugged Y/N. "She said she missed you and also said hi." I stopped hugging    Y/N. "She wants to help you." "But how?" "By me telling you what she said to do."
                 Unknown POV
     I wish Cry could see me. He would be so happy. If only I could talk to him.
    Stop Unknown, get back to helping him. Virus killed me for just talking to him, hanging out with him, and helping him out. He just got so pissed.
    "Unknown, you their?" Y/N asked. "Yeah. What do you need?" "Cry wishes for your help." "Oh." I popped out of Y/N head. "This is obvious. He needs to press this button." I pointed to a key right next Cry's finger. "Okay." She pressed the button it showed a layout of Virus's body. We needed to attack the heart. "This should be easy." I smiled.
     Cry POV
Y/N was just going following Unknown's orders, but she was pressing buttons pretty fast. Somethings I didn't know what she was doing. "Unknown says that killing Virus will be fun." Y/N said. "I bet. I mean he was her killer. She could fight him, but we hackers like to hack into viruses." "I don't want to ask her or you how she was killed." She replied.
      I thought that Virus would be here, but he showed himself to me. It was just weird he never tried to annoy me.
                         Y/N POV
     I think Cry was happy that Unknown was with me. But he looked worried. "What's wrong? Is it Virus?" "Yeah, he he hasn't showed up since I last talked to him." Cry responded. I stopped typing "Cry he's probably planning on how to kill you."
                       Minutes Later
     "I need a break. Unknown thinks you can deal with this." I pointed at a barrier that protected Virus's heart. "Okay." Cry said. I walked downstairs, I then see Mark and Jack sleeping on the couches. ( No Septiplier today ) "Look at at the doofuses, Unknown." "He looks cute." Unknown walked up to Mark. "Yeah, but Jack's cuter." I walked to Jack.
      "He looks like a cute kitten." Unknown smiled. "Random question, do you wish you were alive?" "Yes and no. Yes, I do because I like this guy. No, I don't because I like to mess with people."
      "Y/N! Unknown! I broke the barrier." Cry screamed. "Hush! Mark and Jack are sleeping!" "Come here! "
                    Virus POV
      I felt a pain in my heart. "Ugh...that bitch!" I teleported to Cry who was actually happy. "You bitch!" I screamed. "What do you want? Are you hurt?" Cry made a fake sad face. "You broke the barrier." I grabbed my knife from my side. I lunged at him but something pushed me back. A barrier. 
      "Don't mess with a HACKER!" Cry screamed. I lunged again being the virus I am, I glitched  through the barrier. Someone grabbed me and tried to stab me, but I glitched away. I see Unknown ready to kill me. "Unknown? I killed you!" I was shocked. "Yeah. But I am to get rid of you." She lunged at me.
     I couldn't win, I let Unknown kill me it was her last wish. "Bye." I started to feel a little pain, then a bigger pain. That was it, I was gone. Dead. Death had found me and was taking to me to Hell.

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