The Informer

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A few weeks pass
"Guys, guys, guys, there's only a few weeks before Christmas!" Unknown ran into the kitchen. "I guess you are our informer now?" I laughed. "I guess so!" Unknown laughed. "Anyways there's only a few more weeks before Christmas! We all need to plan on what we are all going to get each other!" Unknown continued. "Done!" Cry laughed. "That was fast!" Jack laughed. "I'll get some paper." Unknown ran off.
It didn't take long, when Unknown came running back with paper. "Everyone gets paper, write your Christmas List on it. Fold your paper and turn them into me." Unknown said handing each of us paper. We all wrote our Christmas Lists and turned them in. Unknown put them in a jar and made us pick one. Hoping that we all didn't get our own, we picked and looked at the lists.
I got Jack's and I think Jack got mine. I could tell by his smile.
Third Person POV
Y/N- Jack's list
Jack- Y/N's list
Cry- Unknown's list
Unknown- Cry's list
Mark- Pewds' list
Pewds- Mark's list
Ken- Mary's list
Mary- Ken's list
Marzia- Mariza's list
Jack's POV
I laughed as I read Y/N's Christmas List. She wanted my merch. I don't think I've ever made any merch yet. I need to start making videos. I walked into the recording room and Mark was recording a video. "Hey, Merk. Can ya help me with something after your done?" I asked acting shy. "Yeah, see you in a few." "Thanks."
I take the time waiting for Mark, drawing some sketches for my channel's merch. I was thinking about my username. "Jacksepticeye...Jack Septic Eye." I got an idea and started to sketch. "Hey, babe. Can I come in?" Y/N asked.  'Shit!' "Just a second, I tried to hide my things." "Ya, can come in know!" I sat back down on the bed. "Hello!"  Y/N said happily. "Hey babe. I see ya still have your green hair and blue eyes." I smiled. "How do I change back?" She looked at her hair. "I think it looks good on ya." I looked into her eyes. I walked towards her and brushed her cheek. I leaned in and felt her lips touch mine. It felt so normal and natural, yet so good. We broke the kiss after what felt like forever.
I looked into her eyes and that they were a darker blue, and her hair was a darker green. "My jesus, your beautiful." I stared into those beautiful eyes. "It's weird, that I came in here to say hi and I get the greatest kiss of my life!" Y/N hugged me. "Your welcome, babe!"
Moments Later
"Hey Jack, didn't you need me for something?" Mark knocked on my door. Y/N wasn't in here, she went with Marzia to go get 'things.' "Yeah. Ya can come in." I replied. Mark opened the door and smiled. "I need your help on deciding which sketches should be used for merch." I handed him multiple sketches. "Oh, I like them all. They are really good." Mark said handing me all my sketches. "So, tags a yes to all of them?" "Yeah! Wait, I didn't know you can draw." Mark sounded astonished. "I'm not that good. I'm okay with it." I laughed. Mark stood up straight. "Don't be like that. If you can draw something, you can draw." Mark stood up straight. "Don't be like that. If you can draw something, you can draw." I laughed even more. "Thanks bro!" "No problem, I have to get to editing. See you later." He smiled and waved goodbye.
     I get my laptop and get on a website just for merch. I put my sketches on shirts, hoodies, hats, and even asked if they could make a plushie. They haven't replied yet. I filled in my order and decided to make a video about the merch.
    I walked into the recording room, Mark was not in here. I walked to the space computer and started to record.
    "* high five * TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES! MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE! I'm here to discuss something that's coming soon..."
     "That's all I have for today. IF YOU LIKED IT, PUNCH THAT THE LIKE BUTTON IN THE FACE...LIKE A BOSS! And high fives all around *high five* *high five* AND I'LL SEE ALL YA DUDES IN THE NEXT VIDEO!" I screamed ending the video.
      I started editing the video, when I get messaged by the company making my shirts, hoodies, hats, and plushies.
       I would like to inform you that we can make your order. We can make your order as soon as possible. We saw that you wanted to have over 1 million made. And that will be the amount you will get. We promise that you will have that many.
    ~ A shirt company '

  Jack 'Thank you so much, I know they will be awesome.'
     "Okay merch is done. Now I need to get Y/N a new phone and maybe something else." I said to myself.

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