I've Missed You Guys!

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*Present Day*

- Scar's p.o.v. -

"What's up bro?!" I asked Jared as I came bounding into his room.

"You know there is such thing as knocking right?"

"Well yes, but where is the fun in that?" I said with a cheeky grin, Jared just rolls his eyes.

This is our normal day to day living, bursting into each others rooms because we can. I mean not like we have anything to hide! We tell each other everything, there is never any secrets between us, we're closer than your average twins. :)

"To answer your earlier question, wanna go to Sam and Emily's for breakfast?"

"Sure! I miss Emily...wait, is Paul going to be there?"

Ever since that whole incident two years ago I've been avoiding Paul at all costs, he never really apologized for that day, and if he can't grow up enough and apologize I see no reason in being the bigger person and talking to him first. I know it sounds childish, but it keeps me at least in a good mood because whenever I think of him my mood drops and I don't like being a grumpy person.

"No Scar he has to run patrol this morning. It was two years ago why can't you just get over it?"
"Jared I can't just 'get over it' he was the one that got mad at me for nothing, I lost my best friend that day Jare, I just can't forgive him without him even trying to apologize or make it up to me..."

"Alright I guess that makes sence. Lets get to Emily's!"

So we decided to just walk to Sam's since it wasn't that far and it was nice out. Not a lot has happened in the last two years I mean other than Jared joining the pack, (kinda stayed away from the pack because of the whole Paul thing so I haven't seen a lot of them in forever), us graduating high school, oh and I guess the whole Cullen's moving back was interesting defintely with Jake and his 'obsession' with Bella.

I'm sorry, but if she's going to be so caught up with the stupid leeches then let her, she's just toying with poor Jake I feel bad. He's like a little brother to me and to just keep him around to make yourself feel better is just bull.

Well we finally made it and man I was hungry! Sam's sort of surprised I didn't phase with Jared because I eat as much as the boys, but see I keep my temper under wraps that way there won't be any issue with my anger or phasing.

"Hey Jare lets play a trick on the boys shall we?" I suggested with a devilish grin.

"We shall, Scar. What are you planning?"

"You walk in first, and I'll walk in behind you but have my hair down..ooh! Let's hold hands so they think you've imprinted!" I thought laughing.

"Haha alright, this is gonna be good!"

Jared walks in the front door with me in tow grasping onto his left hand and making sure my hair is covering my face.

"Hey Jared! Whoa did you finally imprint?" My favorite little brother of the pack Seth pointed out.

"EW! My own brother imprinting on me?! I mean I know I'm good looking, but c'mon Seth that's a little nasty!" I said with a gasp ripping my hand from Jared's grasp.

"SCAR!!" And I was tackled to the floor under four super massive bodies.

"Guys let her breathe you don't wanna kill her!" Leah said from somewhere close since I can't really see.

The boys helped me up and we all laughed and hugged each other. Leah and I are really good friends seeing as we are the only two girls in the pack, well three including Emily but Leah still isn't too comfortable being around the two of them. Plus I was there to help Leah through her break up with Sam and it really did tear her apart.

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