Merry Christmas!

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"Merry Christmas!"

Paul and I shout like the children we are as we enter Sam and Emily's place for the dinner we're having together and for the presents. Thankfully Paul has his arms around me coz it is freezing!!

My baby grew a little more from my appointment last week, but I think it's also from the food I've been eating hehe.. So I have one of Paul's hoodies on to cover it.

"Merry Christmas!"

The whole pack plus their imprints are here, even Seth and Leah which is surprising since they aren't in 'our pack', but now it really does feel like all the families here.

Paul takes the gifts I carried in out of my hands and set them under the tree we all helped decorate while I went to find Emily in the kitchen.

"Smells good Em!" I say as she makes mashed potatoes with the turkey close by so the guys can't eat it.

"Well I hope so I've been at it all day." She teases.

"Em! You could've called me! I would've come help!" Going to help her with the potatoes now and she slaps my hands away.

"I don't need any help, and anyways how are you feeling?" She whispers the last part just incase. I roll my eyes at her, the woman knows I haven't be sick for a while now.

"I'm fine Em! Will you let me help now?" I move to go back to the potatoes an she slaps me again "Emily!" I hiss at her rubbing my hands.

"No. Now go and keep the boys under control."

"Like that's ever possible." I scoff on my way to living room.

I see the boys all sucked into The Christmas Story, one of our favorite Christmas movies to watch and I smile quickly finding Paul on the love seat and I go and sit on his lap. His arms wrap around my waist and unknowingly rest on our baby as I lean into him just enjoy this time we have to relax and enjoy this time of year. 

"Dinner!" Emily shouts and surprisingly the boys get up in an orderly fashion and head to the dining room, Emily must've yelled at them or something. I giggle and Paul looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"What? You all aren't running to the kitchen. It funny and strange at the same time."

He just shakes his head and chuckles at me as we sit down and just wait for everyone which again makes me laugh. We had our wonderful, delicious dinner with eggnog, many laughs and some almost food fights  when we all teased Jared and Kim.

We decided to open the gifts after our dinner and the boys chose to spike the eggnog so Emily and I stuck to water. Luckily the boys didn't look to far into it.

"Hey Scar! Why are you having boring water??" Embry shouted from a couple seats away-damn spoke too soon. "You're always one to drink!"

Shit, shit, shit! Think fast!

"I don't like mixing things with eggnog. It makes it nasty." I say shrugging, hoping they all buy it.

They all just shrug except Jared and Paul who look at me a bit longer like they don't really believe me. Shit I think one of our past Christmas parties we spiked the eggnog and I liked it then.. Well shit.

"Okay!" Emily shouts getting the attention away from me and I give her a look of thanks.

"Lets get presents started. Who wants to hand them out this year?"

It's kinda like one person becomes Santa and gives out the presents under the tree I always like doing it but I'll let Seth do it since he seems so excited when his hand shot straight up which makes the rest of us laugh.

Seth jumps up from his spot and starts dividing the presents up. Oh I forgot to say that I made Paul a 'fake' present. It's meant for the baby present but it'll just be a box with an IOU I'll give him the real one to him after everything happens. Which might be tomorrow or soon after. To say I'm nervous is an understatement.

We get all the presents out and we all start tearing paper like we're five again, I open Emily's first and she got me a teal coffee cup with a gift card hidden in the mug and it's actually to the baby store we went to in Port Angeles. Luckily Paul was busy opening his so I just tucked it into my pocket, saying thank you and going onto my next one which was from Embry.

His was a charm bracelet with the first charm a silver wolf and them the other was a t-shirt saying 'I love wolves' with paws prints across the front and back.

We all laughed at the shirt and I moved onto Quil's which was a silver crescent moon charm for the bracelet and a gift card to the local coffee shop that I love!

Seth and Leah also got me a gift card to the coffee place and a treble clef charm for the bracelet.

Jake even sent me one! His was a carved wolf necklace with the Quilliute word for sister on the back of it. I immediately put his on, because he is like my little brother and I was honestly surprised he remembered to get me something with all our fights and what not.

My JareBear got me a gift card to the furniture store so that Paul and I can go buy new stuff for the house and get his parent's shit outta there, since it is our house now. And a silver sparrow charm for the bracelet.

He did the sparrow because when we were younger, before our parents left, I would always tell him how I wanted us to fly away and live somewhere great, just the two of us-flying away from our troubles to a new life. I had to get up and give him a hard hug holding back the tears, just so happy we finally have the life I've always wanted for us.

Paul was my last gift and mine to him was also last he seemed to be waiting for me to open his before he opened mine.

I opened his to find a silver charm with two wolves one with its head under the others like a hug that wolves do and on the back it says 'FOREVER'. I gave him a peck on the lips and returned back to the box to find another gift card to redo the house, and I'll be using this for the babies room!

"It's your house now. I trust you to make it look a hell of a lot better." Paul whispers into my ear as he kisses my temple.

And I smile and kiss him  back as he looks down at my little box, excitement dancing in his bright brown eyes. He tears into it and a look of confusion crosses his face and his smile drops a little and I kinda feel bad for playing this joke, but he'll get over it.

"An IOU?" Paul whispers in a 'what-the-hell' kinda tone as he faces me his face screwed up in total confusion.

"I have your true gift, but I don't want to give it to you until every thing blows over."

"Okay?" He says still confused.

"It's just, the gift-it might cause a distraction during the whole thing with the leeches. I just don't want it causing any harm or problems."

"I understand. Don't worry Babe." He says as he kisses me again.

"You sure you aren't upset about it?" He shakes his head and just smiles at me, kissing me again before the guys put in Christmas Vacation. One of the best Christmas movies ever!

Christmas is a time for family, a time for fun. And despite all the things that have been happening to us all lately, it's this time of year we all come together and become a family again. Especially when we're expecting a couple new members of our big family.

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