This is Just Great

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-Scar's p.o.v-

*A Week Later*

Holy craps do I feel like poo... This is sooo terrible! What I thought was just a simple cold, a week ago, turned into the worse feeling cold EVER!! I have been sick for a week. A whole freaking week!

Most of you think, 'oh a week you should start feeling better by now!' Way to look on the bright side- but no. It keeps getting worse. I have no clue what it is, Jared doesn't know what's wrong either, so of course 'overprotective brother' mode kicks in..

He has me on bed rest and I am only allowed out of my bed to go to the bathroom, that's what he says anyways until he's on patrol then HA, can't do nothing about me getting outta bed now!

Don't get me wrong it's sweet that he's acting like this, it shows how much he cares, but I'm not two.. yet he has a point because it's a pain-literally to walk around. And I'm sleeping for shit.. it's about 3 ish in the morning and because of the stupid, chest-racking cough I have I can't sleep and Jared's on patrol so I decide to go to the kitchen.

A glass of water should help the cough right? Well I hope so! I stand on my tippy-toes to get a glass outta the top shelf... stupid tall wolf brother... when another coughing fit hits me—hard!

I fill the glass as fast as I can, but when I go to take a drink it feels like a cross between an Elephant sitting in the middle of my chest and my chest being riped out, all at the same time!! Believe me when I tell you it is not a pleasant feeling..

"Scar!!" Is all I hear, oh and glass shattering I think that's Jared, and did I really drop my glass?

"Shit Scar! Can you hear me? What the hell happened? Scar!" And that's when black engulfes me.

-Jared's p.o.v-

I was just about to walk into the house after patrol when I hear glass shatter and all I can think of is that Scar's in trouble.

"Scar!!" I shout as I find her in the kitchen, on the floor? With water and broken glass surrounding her.

"Shit Scar! Can you hear me? What the hell happened? Scar!"

She completely collapsed and didn't—couldn't answer me. I go to check her pulse and it's so rapid I fear her heart might fail, it's beating so fast and her breathing is shallow. What the hell is going on?!!? I gotta call someone!


"Leah! Are you still at Sam's??" She can probably her the hysteria in my voice.

"Jared? Yes I am, what the hell is going on?!" Of course now she's gonna freak out.. oh well.

"Something is wrong with Scar, maybe Sam will know what's going on? Something about her not phasing when I did?"

"Sam's on patrol with-Shit! Jared bring Scar over here NOW!" And with that she hangs up without any explanation. Oh well I need to get Scar there! So I pick up Scarlett and run to Sam's.

-Leah's p.o.v-

I just finished helping Emily clean up when my phone rang. Jared? Why is he calling..


"Leah! Are you still at Sam's??" What the hell is going on? He never sounds this frantic..

"Jared? Yes I am, what the hell is going on?!"

"Something's wrong with Scar, maybe Sam will know what's going on? Something about her not phasing when I did?" Well shit Sam's on patrol with Paul and Embry until dawn..

"Sam's on patrol with-" At that moment Paul stumbles through the back door coughing or choking, but it sounds bad, he then collapses on the floor.

"Shit! Jared bring Scar over here NOW!" and with that I hang up and lift Paul onto the couch—thank god for werewolf strength!

What the hell is wrong with him? I check his pulse and it's faster than normal-this is not good! He's barely even breathing... Just then Sam busts through the doors probably wondering why Paul cut his route early.

"Where-What the hell? What's wrong with him?" Sam asks when he sees Paul on the couch.

"I don't know.. He just came in here and collapsed. Jared is on his way with Scarlett, something is wrong with her too."

Just then Jared bursts through the front door with a crumpled Scarlett curled against his chest.

"Put her down on the couch Jared." Sam says.

"Do you know what's going on? Why's she like this?! What the hell happened to Paul?" I just let Sam explain, for one I'm too tired and two, he may have answers I don't.

"We don't know. Leah said he collapsed—I guess that makes sense why he cut his route short.. He's been acting strange all day, and as you know sick all week. What happened to Scarlett?"

"Well," Jared starts and it looks like he's getting tears in his eyes.. "I came back from patrol and I found her crumpled on the floor of the kitchen. See she's been sick this last week and usually just stays in her bed because I was afraid this would happen... We thought it was a simple cold from when we had our mud war, but it started getting worse not better... I don't know.. Does it have something to do with her not phasing?"

"Wait! She's been sick since the mud war?"

I question thinking back to what all happened on that day trying to see if it could clue into why her and Paul are like this..

"Yeah.. Wait, Leah do you know something?" I shared a quick glance with Sam, I bet he's thinking the same thing..

"Well I think Paul has been sick since that day too. Maybe they both caught something?"

Dumb excuse Leah... but I didn't wanna bring up the possiblity of it being an imprint because well I didn't wanna deal with a mad Jared, and I don't know for sure. Sam just simply nods seeming to agree with my thoughts and Jared seems to agree-I think he's just too worried to push any farther.

"Look Jared, her breathing is a bit better than when you got here." That made him smile a bit, but you can see the worry and exhaust on his face for not only his sister, but his best friend also.

Paul's breathing has gotten better too. I am 99% sure that he imprinted on Scar and just didn't tell us; therefore putting them both through the pain of being seperated from each other. I wonder why he didn't say anything about the it...

Well it should be interesting when they wake up..

A/N: Think it's good so far? Leave comments, heart all that jazz! :)

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