Holy Emotions

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"You will not believe what happened!" My brother shouts as he and the rest of the pack enter the house-straight to the kitchen might I add.

"Jake did something didn't he?" I ask just to see how well that connection really worked.

And I'm guessing it worked well coz once I said that four very confused faces peered around the corner.

"How'd you know sis?" He says as they all come around the corner and stare down at Emily and I who are still relaxing on the couch like the lazy bums we are.

"Um lucky guess?!" I say with a not so convincing smile and a glance at Emily.

"Nice try Love." Paul says as he squats down in front of me placing his hands on my legs. "Now how do you really know?"

"Well interesting story. Emily and I were just watching Bridesmaids having a normal girl day, but when the movie ended that's when things got weird..." I looked at Em and she nodded encouraging me to go on.

"Suddenly I got all angry and frustrated, and that's not the kind of mood you get in after a RomCom, anyways so we were super confused and my mood kept getting worse to the point where I had to sit down. Once I did that images started flashing in my head."

"What kind of images?" Sam asks almost like he knows what happened.

"Um well of Jake. And the Cullen's... It was strange. But I knew these weren't my own coz I haven't seen Jake in weeks so the one thing I could think of was that they were Paul's.."

Everyone just kinda looked at me like I was crazy except Sam, so maybe he did expect this..?

"So you were able to feel my emotions?"

"Your strong emotions. I'm guessing anyways."

"That makes sense with what Billy told us about your imprint being the strongest he's seen in years. He told us it'd be different."

"So what did Jake do to make you so upset?" They all looked at each other before Paul spoke up.

"He imprinted on the hybrid... And since we can't harm or let harm fall on our imprints we just had to walk away."

"Leave it to Jake to imprint on a half vampire.."

"Right. So he's gonna be living there apparently." Embry said looked disgusted. "With Seth and Leah since they're his pack or whatever."

"We'll that's unfortunate."

"Scar! You wanna help with dinner?" Emily asks to break up the topic and because well it was dinner time.

"Sure Em." I say before getting up and giving a quick peck to Paul's lips earning wolf whistles and laughs from the boys.

Its nice knowing there won't be a threat and we can finally just be a family and it be as peaceful as it can be with a bunch of wolves.

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