Scars and Bruises

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-Paul's p.o.v.-

All I wanted to do right now was rip Jared limb from limb. He hurt my imprint! My Lottie! His own sister! I could feel her pain, but pushed it to the back of my mind my anger overtaking every thing else.

Jared kept lunging at me, but I dodged every attack then I heard it, Scarlett's faint whisper as she tried to call for me I whipped my head around to see her on all fours clutching her left side, I can see blood seeping through her fingers and I let out a wimper, I could feel tears in my eyes...

"Shit! She's losing too much blood! Sam I gotta take her to Carlisle!" Jake was the first to get to her as much as I hated the leeches I knew she had to go otherwise she could die!

She can't die, I just got her back! As Jake carries her away I turn back to Jared and growl at him, my anger burning more than it was before.

Look what you've done to your sister! You idiot!

ME?! You're the reason that fight even happened! If you would've just kept ignoring Scarlett you would've never imprinted on her and this wouldn't have happened!

Again Cameron, how thick are you?! I can't control it! I've always loved Scarlett imprint or not! You know, she was more mad at me then you ever were before and she took the whole imprint thing a lot better than you did! My best friend! But whatever, I'm going to go make sure Lottie is gonna be okay.

You won't go anywhere near her Lahote!!

Watch me.

And with that I phased out and drove to the Cullen's to see my Lottie, and hope to god she'll be alright. When I got there Jake met me at the front door, and told me she was upstairs but hasn't woke up yet.

"Carlisle luckily had blood on hand to give Scar because we didn't wanna send her to an actual hospital and have to explain the lovely claw marks." Jake told me as we walked up to the leech's office where Lottie was at.

"How bad are the 'scratches'?" I ask with a growl putting emphasis on scratches because I know they're a lot worse than simple scratches...

It amazes me that Jared could've hurt his own sister.. We had finally reached the room she was in and Jake still hadn't answered, I was expecting the worse.

"Well..." He finally says scratching the back of his neck nervously. "They go from her ribs down to her hip bone, and Carlisle said she was lucky that he didn't hit any vital organs, but she did lose a lot of blood so she might be out for a while..."

"Fan-fucking-tastic." I am so pissed at Jared right now, but more pissed at myself for not pushing Scarlett outta the way. "Can I-" Right then the doctor leech came out of the room.

"You can go in and see her now she's just sleeping. She's stitched up and the wrap can only be changed if dirty. We want to eliminate any possible infections and I'll get you guys the pain meds she'll need when she wakes up."

"Thank you Carlilse." Jake says and I nod my thanks.

Making my way into the 'hospital replica' room and my heart drops, I see my Lottie propped up on her right side so she doesn't lay on the stitches, with wires and IVs attached all along her right side.

I immediately go over and sit on the right side of her bed, barely noticing Jacob leaving- which I'm thankful for, and I grab her left hand gently since it's the only hand that doesn't have wires in it and-unfortunately- start to cry.

I'm not one to cry, like Scarlett, I don't cry unless something hits me really hard and well duh she's my imprint so I have reason to tear up.

"Lottie, you gotta wake up babe.. I am so so  sorry I let this happen to you. I should've reacted to Jared faster and got you outta the way. God, I just got you back I don't wanna lose you. Not now, not ever. Please Lottie, come back to me."

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