Little One's Bedroom

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It's the beginning of May and our lives have been absolutely perfect!

Baby Colton has gotten so big, he's almost able to hold his head up all the time. It's so adorable, seeing him peek at everyone and then he has to let his head drop.

I'm about six months pregnant now, and Paul and I are going in for another appointment today and while we're up there we're going to go shopping for the nursery.

"Ready to go Babe?" Paul says as he comes up behind me as I'm holding Colton, and a tiny, gummy smile crosses his face at the sight of his favorite 'uncle'.

"Hey there buddy." He says as he grabs him from me and kissing him on the cheek getting a little giggle in return. We lay him down for his nap and say bye to Emily and the other boys and head out into the sunshine and head to Seattle.

"Are you excited?" I ask Paul as we hit city limits, only a couple of minutes away from the doctors.

"I'm always excited to see how our Little One is doing." He says as he kisses my hand that is intertwined with his. "I'll be more excited to meet them in person." We exchange smiles as we get out of the car and walk into the office and check in.

"So how are we feeling today Ms Cameron? Getting excited?" Dr Grey says with a smile as she sets up the machine.

"I'm feeling great actually, just the weird cravings. And I think we are both getting really excited." I say as I lay back, obviously I know the drill by now..

"Cravings are normal, so that's nothing to worry about. Have you felt your baby move at all? Any kicks or uncomfortable shifts?"

I haven't...what if something is wrong with my baby, I don't think I could handle if anything is wrong with my baby.

" I haven't. Sho-should I be concerned?" Paul's hand tightens on mine at feeling my worry.

"Now don't worry. By the looks of things you're just barely ending the second trimester and most moms don't feel anything until well into the third trimester, I just thought I'd ask and see."

Relief sweep over me at this and I turn my head to the screen to see my baby moving its little hands, and hear their little heart beat that is starting to sound like a normal beat, and a giant grins crosses my face.

"I can see why you haven't felt the baby move. It seems that they like to stay on the left side of your body.. I've never seen something like that."

I've always thought that was strange, but I'm just glad she didn't ask how I got my scars.
She prints off another picture, knowing that we want to keep the gender a surprise so she didn't ask, or label it in the picture, but she stops us on our way out the door.

"I was going to let you know to expect a lot of moving these next couple months as the baby develops muscles and moves into the position for birthing. Also on your scan, the baby's development is very advanced so your due date has been moved up a week to about August 7th, just so you're prepared your baby could come a week or two earlier than that." We thank her and head to the car to head to the mall here in Seattle.

"Do you just want to stick to finding furniture today and worry about clothes when it gets a little closer to August?" Paul says as we enter the mall hand in hand, trying to find the store I got all the gift cards to.

"That sounds like a good idea. And we have to get paint for the room as well." Paul looks at me confused.

"What? We can paint it a neutral color."

He shrugs in agreement and we walk around until we finally find the damned store, that's the nice thing about healing fast my feet never hurt from walking too much.


"I-I think my water just broke!" I gasp as pain ripped through my midsection.

"You're two weeks early Scar. Are you sure?" Emily asks frantically as she grabs her keys and we head towards the door.

"Well seeing as it feels my uterus is falling out, I'm going to say yes. Lets just get to the hospital!" I say as pain courses through my body again...

I gasp as I wake up, my hands automatically flying to my swollen stomach. A sigh of relief escapes my lips as I leave out bedroom in search of Paul, and I find him in a newly painted nursery.

"Oh my goodness Paul. You painted it all by yourself?" I say looking aroun the room in awe and excitement of what it will look like.

"Of course Love. I am pretty handy you know." He says bringing me into a sweet kiss that I smile into.

"It's going to look so amazing when we get all the furniture in here. We should get some of the boys to help." I say still looking around the room mine and Paul's hands resting on Little One as he kisses my temple.

"We will. It'll look awesome. Did you have a good rest?" My mind flashed back to the dream and a slight panic started to arise, but I swept it aside knowing it was only a dream.

"It was well needed. Thank you." I say smiling at his handsome face, that's smiling down at me as well.

A couple weeks later Jared, Jake, and Paul finished putting the furniture into the nursery and now it's ready for our Little One. You can feel the excitement from everyone, Leah has been around too helping me when Paul's on patrol, it's nice how everyone's willing to help. It keeps the stress off me, well except the stress over the fact my baby still hasn't moved...

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