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My eyes flutter open the next day to see, my now fiancée, asleep with a smile on his face and his arms wrapped tightly around me.

This is all so perfect, last night was perfect. I am going to marry the man I love, and be able to start a family with him. If someone had told me five months ago that I'd be engaged to Paul Lahote I would've laughed and told them to go see a shrink. That they were crazy.

I never thought Paul would be the one to want to settle down, yeah I always thought of marrying him, but with his parents divorce when he was ten I always thought marriage was out of the question for him.

I close my eyes and just listen to his heartbeat and realize I get to listen to it every night for the rest of our lives! I felt him shift a little and tighten his grip on my waist so I open my eyes to see his warm brown eyes looking into mine.

"Good morning my beautiful fiancée." He says planting a kiss on my lips and I can't help but giggle.

"Good morning handsome. I don't think I'll ever get used to you calling me that." I smile and kiss him again.

"Well get used to it. Because you are beautiful and you are my fiancée."

His hands start to roam all over my bare body and it sends shivers down my spine, reminding me of how blissful last night had been. He smirks, almost like he could read my mind and I can't help myself but give him another kiss full of more passion this time.

He replies with just as much desire and soon he's hovering over me, kissing every bare inch of skin while my hands have a mind if their own and run over his firmly toned chest and abs. I yank my hands through his thick hair, and well we start again what we started last night.

A while later we get out of the shower, Paul's idea—cheeky bastard just likes seeing me naked... And decide we'll head over to Sam and Emily's for lunch and to break the news to everyone.

"I thought the boys and Emily all knew?" I ask Paul as we finish getting dressed and head down stairs to leave.

"Nope. They all thought it was just a 'super cute and romantic date' as Emily put it. I wanted to keep it a total secret incase someone—Quil, would open their big mouths and ruin it."

"Good point. The boys can't keep secrets for the life of them."

We laugh a bit as I stare down at the beautiful diamond ring that now sits permanently on my left hand and can't help the giant grin that crosses my face.

"You ready Babe?" He asks while he kisses my temple pulling me out of my thoughts.

I nod suddenly getting nervous. What if Jared freaks out again like he did over the imprint? I don't want more fights to happen..

"Lottie" I look up into his eyes and feel calm and my worries melt away. "Everything going to be just fine, don't worry about it."

"I swear sometimes you read my mind." He chuckles, kisses my forehead and we are out the front door and on our way.

When we reach the house, Emily is in the kitchen, big shocker there, so I decide to tell her first since all the boys are either asleep still or on patrol.

"Hey Em. Need any help?" I say as I walk into the kitchen with Paul following.

"Hey Scar. That would be wonderful, but you" she's says turning to Paul, "out before you eat every thing we're trying to make."

With a pout on his face, knowing he can't fight her, he pecks me on the lips before leaving the kitchen.

"Sooo, how was the date last night??!" She asks as she stops what she's doing to watch my reaction.

"It was absolutely amazing!" I say with a smile at last nights memories.

That's when I purposely grab a slice of bread with my left hand and start making a sandwich, hoping she saw the flash of the diamond. I barely put the bread on a plate when I heard her gasp, and I couldn't help but smile.

"Oh. My. God! Scarlett is that what I think that is?!" My grin gets even bigger as she seizes my left hand and inspects the ring without waiting for an answer. "It's absolutely beautiful!! Did this happen last night?"

Her eyes finally leave the diamond so we my answer as my smile gets bigger, if that's even possible, and I nod my head vigorously.

She starts squealing and jumping and I can't help but laugh at how she's acting, but like me she was one to think Paul wouldn't ever settle down.

At that moment all the guys, including Paul, came into the house but stopped short when they saw Emily squealing because well, it's a sight we normally don't see and they all looked scared, but confused at the same time.

"What's going on here?" Sam was the first one to break the shocked silence, Emily turns and smiles at Sam while dropping my hand only to have it grabbed by Paul, and I can't help but laugh slightly at Paul's questioning look.

"Well Sam, I think Scar and Paul have something to tell you all." Emily says while I give her a playful glare, just ruin the surprise..

"You aren't pregnant are you?"

Freaking Jared.. I just give him a 'Really' look and he just shrugs his shoulders, I just shake my head at him. I run my left hand through my hair, hoping they'll catch the gleam like Emily did, but that's asking a lot from these idiots.

"Well I guess I saw that coming." Sam says and the boys look at him like he has three heads, but Paul and I smile at him, understanding perfectly.

"Congrats you two." He says with a smile as he wraps his arm around Emily so that his hand is resting on their baby.

"Okay now I'm really confused!" Quil says breaking the silence that hardly ever visits the house.

"When are you not Quil?"

That got all the boys laughing and I look to Paul to see if we should just tell them and save their brains from thinking too hard, and he just nods.

"Well since you guys are retarded," that was met with a lot of "Hey!"s and "Am not!" from Embry, "we'll just tell you."

I admit I was kinda stalling not wanting to see my brothers reaction.. So Paul was the one to break the news.

"We're engaged!"

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