I Really Do Need My Brother..

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-Scar's p.o.v.-


"JareBear?" Seven year old me calls for down the hall of our house.

"ScarScar!" My brother runs into the house, home from school. "I missed you today! Are you feeling any better?"

See this is why I love my brother. Even though I had a small cold our mom made me stay home and well Jared and I are hardly ever apart and it's weird when we're separated.

"Yeah I'm feeling much better," I say with a smile "thanks JareBear."

"Of course ScarScar. I'll always be here for you!"


"Scarlett! Let me in! Please talk to me!" I had locked myself into my room after a terrible heartbreak. My first actually. Both Jared and Paul have been trying to get me outta my room for the past week or so but I won't leave, I just don't wanna. I probably look like crap anyways.

"Please Lottie. Talk to us." I can hear the almost tears in Paul's voice, but I'm still not willing to let them in..

"I don't wanna talk. Just leave me alone." I bury my face back into my pillows with tears still coming.

I had found my "loving" boyfriend of a year and a half, cheating on me with some girl who I had thought was my friend, but quickly figured out I was wrong. So I broke it off by punching him in the face..hehe..and I've been here since.

I heard my door handle jiggle and I knew they couldn't get in cuz I locked my door. I soon felt a hand rubbing soothing circles on my back...well I thought it was locked...

" Lottie if you don't wanna talk about it, it's okay. Just know we'll be here for you. Always."

At this I could help but smile, Paul, Jared and I have a special friendship where we never fight with each other and so we are very close, nothing could ever come between us. I sat up out of my bed and hugged the life outta both of my boys.

"Scar...Can't..breathe." Jared gasped, but I couldn't help but giggle. "Jeez woman you trying to kill us are ya?"

"Sorry boys! And no JareBear I would never think to ever hurt you guys!" I said with a smile as I realized how funny it would be for me to even try to hurt these boys ha. "Thank you guys...For everything. I'm sorry I was so horrid to you both."

I felt the smile fall immediately off my face, I felt bad I mean they were trying to help after all.

" Lottie you don't need to apologize. Like we said we'll always be here for you. No matter what."

At this I couldn't help but smile knowing that these boys will help me through anything and I would do the same for them.

"You guys are the best. You know that?" And with that I hugged them again and finally everything seemed like it was gonna be alright.

At this moment I realized how much I did need Paul and Jared, and even if we go through tough times we'll always be there for each other.

A/N: Sorry a big filler chapter and well Quotev decided to erase it twice so sorry if it is kinda sucky. Thanks for reading!! :)

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