Welcome To The Family

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It's coming to the end of July, the 25th to be exact and well, we all are on edge. Paul and I went to the doctors and well, I can deliver as soon as today, so we finished the nursery and got a hospital bag packed just incase something happens.

Emily and I are making cookies for everyone before they all come back from patrol or the beach, I don't remember what they were planning today..

"How are you feeling today Scar?" Emily asks as I put more cookie dough onto the tray.

"Fine actually. Little One must've moved while I slept because I feel like I'm going to bump into everything!" I say laughing at the end, because it was true. My baby bump had seemed to move down and out a bit and I've almost run into things multiple times today.

"They tend to do that. I think the doctor said it had something to do with the baby being ready for birth and whatnot."

"Well that's exciting! Should be sometime soon then." I say moving to put the tray into the oven, but dropping the tray as a sharp pain ripples through my midsection.

"Scar?! Scar, what happened?" Emily says coming over and helping me to stand up straight.

Clutching my swollen belly, I  lean myself against the counter not knowing if another pain will shoot through.

"It–it freaking hurt Emily! I-I think it was a contraction.." I trail off as I hear the boys burst through the door before Emily can even answer me.

"Scar? Has that been the only one?" She asks concern on her face as Paul walks into the kitchen as well.

"Lottie?! What's wrong Love?" He comes and takes Emily's place as my support, but soon another contraction rips across again.

"That's the second one in ten minutes. We need to get her to the hospital Paul."

Emily says heading upstairs to get my bag and the keys to her car, since Paul's truck won't hold all of us. He nods and helps me out to her car and soon we are on our way into Forks.

If someone ever tells you labor goes quick and it usually doesn't take long... They are liars! We've been in a delivery room for about five hours now and I'm exhausted!

I'm thankful for Paul though, he keeps my mind on different things so it doesn't seem to take as long, and the lovely pain meds helps a lot!

"Luckily you heal quick Babe. I might squeeze your hand too hard." He just chuckles and kisses my forehead as another contraction hits me, and the doctor comes back.

After I don't know how many more hours it was finally over, almost immediately the doctors took my baby into a separate room to weigh and measure. Paul telling me he'd be back with our Little One, followed the doctor and so I just relaxed into the bed.

"Love you awake?" Paul whispers as he comes back into my room and I open my eyes to see him holding a bundle of blue blankets. My hand flies to my mouth as tears spring to my eyes.

"Is that—?" I couldn't even finish my sentence as he nods and tears start streaming down my face.

"I thought I'd wait for you to name him." He says as he sits on the bed next to me and hands me our beautiful baby boy.

"My god. He looks just like you Paul! He's so beautiful."

"Just like you Babe. What do you want his name to be?" He says kissing me softly and we both look down to our son and the name just seems to pop into my head.

"Ashton Michael Lahote. It just fits." I say looking at my baby's little face and see his eyes start to flicker open.

"It's perfect. Just like our family."

Our Family. I love the sound of that!

Emily was the next to come into my room to see little Ash, and she automatically fell in love. The boys soon followed, Jared pushing himself to the front much to the complaints of the other boys.

"You want to hold your nephew JareBear?" I ask as he just looks at the bundle in my arms. His head snaps up and he looks at me with wide eyes.

"Can–Can I really?" I nod with a smile that feels permanent on my face, and hand him Ashton smiling as I see the smile spreading over my brothers face.

"Look at you. Just like your momma, hopefully you won't look as dorky as your dad does." At that the boys dissolve into laughter and Paul pouts muttering how he doesn't look 'dorky'.

Ashton then gets passed around to the other boys and finally Leah bursts through the door looking frantic and when she finds me she sighs in relief. She slowly walks over to the bed and I see Paul tense, thinking she might imprint, but I don't think she will.

"Want to hold your godson Leah?" I ask and her eyes widen in surprise, yeah I didn't really tell her I had made it final, her being the godmother.

She just nods her head, still in shock and I hand Little One over to her. Paul tenses again, but I just lay a hand on his arm and he seems to loosen up, just a bit. She looks down at him, and he smiles at all the attention, and looks back up to us and the entire pack lets out a sigh, and Paul relaxes.

"He so beautiful Lottie, Paul. What's his name?"

"Ashton Michael." Paul says with a smile squeezing my hand, and Leah looks at little Ash adoringly as she says.

"Welcome to the family Ashton Michael Lahote."

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