I'm an Elemental? Sweet!

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-Scar's p.o.v.-

*Two Days Later*

I just finished helping Em with the dishes after lunch, and everyone was watching football in the living room. I went back to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

After filling the glass up I turn around to head back to the living room when the glass slips from my hands. I try to reach out and catch it with my hand, but I miss and the glass shatters, but I'm not focused on that. What I'm focused on is the water that is suspended in midair where the glass should be in the middle of my hand...

"Lottie are you- what the hell...?" I realize it's Paul but I keep my eyes and my focus on the water.

"I have no idea." I'm able to mutter out. I hear a couple more foot steps run towards the kitchen as I straighten out still keeping the water up.

"What the hell?!"

"Woah, how is that possible?"

And other comments come from the boys direction and I realize the whole pack is trying to see what's going on. I've never been able to do this before... Wait except the first time I met Paul and I sprayed those girls even though I had no idea how I did it then, but it all makes sense now.

"What's going on?" Sam pushes his way to the front and I lose my focus and the water splashes on the floor, and I'm snapped out of my trance like state.

"Um, Scarlett just made water float in midair." Says Seth since everyone is still in a sort of shock I did that.

I'm so confused right now, is this why I healed so fast? Where did this come from, it's never been in any of the legends?


"Um, yeah. I tryed to grab my glass cuz it slipped out of my hand, but instead the glass shattered and the water stayed put."

Sam looks like he's thinking hard, almost like he's heard about this somewhere. Then he turns to the counter and grabs a small scrap of paper and gives it to me.


"Burn it." Is he crazy? I can't burn paper?!

"What? I can't-"

"Burn it." Thanks for letting me talk Sam...

So I take the paper and place it in the palm of my hand and focus all my energy on making it burn. Burn... Burn you stupid piece of paper!

"Don't try so hard Scarlett. Just focus." I scowl at Sam, coz it's that easy...

I look at the paper again and this time I visualize it burning, then sure enough it bursts into flames, but doesn't hurt me.

"Holy shit!" Jared and I say at the same time-yay for twin powers!

Everyone else is just staring at the now pile of ashes in the palm of my hand., they all look shocked except Sam he seems to know what happened....?

"Sam what the hell just happened?!" I asked slightly weirded out coz normal people don't burn paper or catch water in midair!

"C'mon we need to go speak with Billy." Sorry. Not a good enough answer.

"Sam. You know something about this so why won't you just tell me!"

Now I'm not one with a temper unless you really piss me off, and right now Sam is doing just that! I feel my finger tips start to get really warm so I look down and they're sparking, like my fingers are about to catch fire!

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