This Is All Her Fault

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We finally got to Sam's and the entire pack was packed into the tiny dining room, Paul grabbed a chair and pulled me into his lap. I looked a round for my 'little brothers' face, but remembered that he's the reason we're all here.

"So what happened? What do we know?" I asked just wanting to get to the point and break the tense silence in the room.

"Billy had called us yesterday morning telling us that Jake had ran off and to see if we could find him and convince him to come back. By the time we had phased, he had made it half way through Canada and won't talk to any of us. He purposely staying wolf and blocking out anything human." Sam said.

This doesn't sound like Jake, he would never up and leave his dad like that something must have set him off.

"Did Billy say why Jake had ran off?"

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late" Seth says while busting through the door. "Bella called wondering about Jake, and yeah." Why do I have a feeling she's the reason he ran off in the first place...

"No problem Seth, I was just filling in Scar and Paul about everything. Anyways," He says while looking back to Paul and I, " Billy said they had gotten Bella's wedding invitation in the mail, and well Jake was the one to open it and that's when he left."

"She had the nerve to send him a wedding invitation?? That's such a shitty move! 'Hey Jake lemme mess with your emotions, then while you're in critical conditions I'll tell you a choose the bloodsucker then proceed to invite you to our wedding so you know that you were never the one for me'.. I mean who the hell does that!"

The boys all were laughing at my imitation and rant of the leech lover, except for Seth, he likes them, but it's the truth!

"Just calm down Babe." Paul whispers in my ear while rubbing his warm hand over my arm in an attempt to sooth me, and I have to say it is working...only coz it's Paul.

"Sorry." I huffed out, "That was slightly outta line.."

"Are you kidding Scar? It's the truth you know, we've all been in his head and that's exactly what it looks like, he just can't see it." Embry chimes in and I no longer feel guilty for acting the way I did. I lay my head on Paul's chest-yes I am still tired!

"So what do we do about Jake? He obviously doesn't want to be found..?" Paul asks and I turn my head to hear what Sam has to say.

"We can't really do anything right now. Like you said, he doesn't want to be found. He isn't listening to a single one of us.. Not even if we mention how Billy isn't really handling it. We need our numbers here so a search team is kind of out of the question." That's when an idea popped into my mind.

"He might try to crash the wedding." Everyone just kinda looked at me. "Oh please. You guys can't tell me that if the girl you all were "in love" with was getting married to someone you really hated, you wouldn't go and try to crash the wedding? I mean c'mon. Jake thought he possibly imprinted on her, so if your imprints were to get married to someone else wouldn't you stop it?"

"You have a point there Scar." I smiled smugly.

"Well Seth, Sue and Billy will be there much against my better judgment, so I guess a couple of us will stay in the surrounding forest in case he does show up and try to start any trouble."

"Well I don't know about any of you, but I'M STARVING!!" Jared decided to shout in the tiny room.

"Of course you're starving JareBear, but in my opinion I don't think you'll waste away to nothing." The dining room was soon filled with howling laughter as Jared poked his tongue out at me and I did the same.

"That hurt Scar! Right here." Holding his hand on the right side of his chest, wow he still can't get it right.

"Your hearts on the other side retard." More laughter and I detached myself from Paul to go pat my pouting brother on his head. "It's okay JareBear I still love you." He gets up and kisses the top of my head.

"Love ya to sis."

"BREAKFAST!!!" Emily shouts and there's a mad dash for the kitchen to get to the food first.

And this is way I love these crazy boys like my brothers, just missing one of my favorites...

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