Training and Mindreading?

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~Scar's p.o.v~

It's about two in the morning when we head down to the clearing and I haven't spoken to Paul all night.

I'm walking with Jake and Seth, and when we get there the Cullen's start to explain what's going to happen tonight. I'm pretty bored through the whole thing and so is the pack, since they are only allowed to watch.

This is sooooo lame....

What the hell? Okay I'm going crazy, I'm hearing voices..

I know. I thought we were actually gonna train not just watch...

That sounds like, Jared?



Someone just said my name...

Oh my god can he hear me?

Um duh? we've always been able to hear...wait a sec that sounds like ...Scar?

Not a second later all eight heads are turned in my direction, probably thinking I was talking out loud.. I keep my head down trying to act like I don't notice, trying to think of what might be happening..


I jump a good couple feet in the air and glare at Seth's wolf form, realizing I did hear his wolf form...

So you can hear us?

I can tell it's Sam now, must be an alpha thing.

Um yes....?

I answer back feeling like a crazy person, as I watch all eight pairs of eyes widen and I see that Edward has stopped training to listen in on what's happening.

Have you always been able to hear us when we're in our forms?

Um no. This would be the first time... and it's slightly freaky...

I could hear the boys all chuckle around me.

We all thought it was freaky the first time too. Jared chimes in.

That's what she said..

Seriously Quil?

The boys just looked at Quil like he's retard.

He is.

Pretty much.


More laughter and a chuckle from Edward. Who is now explaining to his leeches what's going on with us.

I have to admit this is pretty awesome. 

Eh it gets old real soon.

Yeah definitely when the guys start to think about their imprints!

Sometimes it's sappy shit and other times... well it might as well be X-rated.

Didn't need to know that!!! 

Get used to it sis. When we're like this, we all share one mind.

On the way back, I manage to block the boys' rambling from my head and I hear someone come up beside me.

"Hey" Of course it just has to be Paul... I'm still a little ticked but I can't stay mad at him long... I love him too much.

"Hi." He grabs my arm gently so that we come to a stop and let the pack keep walking so we're by ourselves.

"About earlier Lottie, I'm sorry. It's just so many things could go wrong during the battle and I couldn't stand to lose you. You know me, I've always been protective of you and the imprint just makes it ten times more. You are my whole world and if I can keep anything bad from happening to you I will. I know I went over the top earlier and-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips to his in a kiss so filled with passion I might just collapse right now. As if Paul reads my mind he wraps one arm around my waste while the other is brought to my cheek, gently caressing it.

Who knew Paul could be so gentle, so full of love. His tongue slowly traces my bottom lip begging for entrance, and me being me denies it with a slight smile into the kiss, but that doesn't slow him down.

This time he bites my bottom lip gently but it was enough of a surprise for me to gasp and for him to get his entrance. Our tongues fight for dominance, both exploring each others mouths until he finally wins. Our wonderful make-out session lasts for a bit longer until we both have to pull away for air. Our foreheads join together and I'm tellin ya I could die happy, right now.

"I love you" He says with the biggest smile on his face and I can't help but smile back.

" I love you too." And with that we head back and all crash at Sam's.

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