Welcome To The Family

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Its now the end of March and Emily and I have finished Little Uley's nursery and it looks adorable! It has one light green wall and the other two are white, but one has a tree painted on it. Emily insisted I had artistic talent, so I drew the tree on the wall.

We've also packed her hospital bag because the baby can come any day now, and it's better to be prepared then not have anything ready when they come.

I'm about 4 months along now and Emily and Leah haven't left me alone one bit about names and what gender it is..Paul and I decided not to look at the gender when we went to hear the heartbeat. He likes the surprise too.


"Babe! You ready? We gotta go so we aren't late." I called through the house looking for Paul, who bounds down the stairs with the truck keys in hand.

"Yeah sorry Love. Forgot where I left the keys." This caused me to laugh at him as we walk out to the truck and head down to the clinic in Seattle.

"How've you been feeling Scarlett?" Dr Grey asks as she takes out the gel stuff and puts it on my noticeable baby bump, and Paul scrunches up his nose and I giggle at him.

"Pretty good actually. Getting excited that's for sure." She nod in understanding as she focuses on the screen looking for our baby. Paul grabs my hand in anticipation and can't take his eyes off the screen, waiting to finally see our Little One.

"You're baby sure does like the left side of your body." She says as she finds the baby hiding by my scars again, and I see Paul's eyes brim with tears and he squeezes my hand, a smile lighting his face.

"That's our baby Lottie..That's so amazing.." He whispers as the doctor leans over and flips a switch and all of a sudden the room is filled with the sound of a fast beating drum.

"That's your baby's heartbeat. They sound and look very healthy." She says as she wipes the nasty stuff off me and we thank her and leave.

"I am so excited to meet our Little One." Paul says as he kisses me and grins the entire way home.

That's how we got the nickname Little One. Since we don't know the gender it's just an easier name, but that doesn't stop the girls...

"I don't know okay! I still have five months to think and pick between whatever names I come up with alright?" I say completely worn out by their constant badgering, it's driving me insane!!

They just grumble to themselves as we finish with dinner for everyone when Emily gasps, and it sounds like she's just spilled some water.

"Oh my god guys. I think my water just broke!" She exclaims and Leah and I automatically stop what we're doing.

Before I can even ask if she's sure, she doubles over in pain and immediately Leah runs up the stairs to get her bag and I grab my phone to call Sam, getting his voicemail I leave a message telling him we are headed to the hospital and Emily's in labor.

Leah tears out of the driveway and heads into Forks for the closest hospital and we get there in about ten minutes, during which Em has had another contraction so luckily Leah sped coz the baby is on it's way..

We rush inside and the nurses help Emily into a wheelchair and take her down to a delivery room and direct Leah and I into a room that will be hers once she delivers. I head to the waiting room to wait for Sam, and he comes bursting through the doors, Paul and Jared right behind him.


He sees me and the three rush to my side and I lead them down to her delivery room, which we can hear her screams from outside the door and it makes me cringe slightly as Sam bolts into the room to comfort his wife and imprint.

I lead the boys away and to the room where Leah sits chewing her nails, her head snaps up when we enter the room.

"So Sam got here on time then?" She asks and I nod.

"I think it'll be relatively quick because of the contraction she had on the way here, they weren't very far apart." I say and Paul wraps a comforting arm around my shoulders.

I get lost in thought thinking about how this will be us in a couple months and get nervous..I can't imagine the pain Emily is in right now, hearing her screams..ugh still makes me shutter.

The door opens-snapping me from my thoughts to see Sam with the biggest smile I think I've ever seen on his face.

"It's a boy!!" He cheers and we all stand up to congratulate him, even Leah.

"What did you name him?" I ask in excitement, wanting to meet my godson soon!

"Colton Micheal Uley." Emily's voice says from the door way as they bring her in and help her into bed, holding a bundle in blue blankets and I have to hold back a squeal of excitement.

"Would you like to hold your godson Scar?" She says looking up at me and I feel my eyes well with tears.

"Really?" She nods and smiles at me as I nod vigorously an she hands me the small blue bundle.

Paul comes behind me and puts an arm around my waist and moves the blanket a bit so we can see his handsome little face.

"Oh my god. He's beautiful you two!" I smile up at the two happy parents and then look to see Paul looking down at him with so much awe and adoration, probably thinking of our baby like I was.

"Congrtualtions you two. He really his a handsome little man." Paul says squeezing my waist a bit, as Leah comes to see him and she looks happy for the two, no longer bitter.

I give little Colton back to Emily so she can have some time with her son, and Paul and I walk out into the hallway to go find some food.

"Can you imagine that'll be us in a couple more months." Paul says as his hand that was around my waist rests on our baby as we walk down the hallway.

"I'm actually excited. I can't wait to meet our Little One. Do you want a girl or a boy?" I ask him curious to what he'll say.

"Actually I wouldn't mind either. I'll be happy because their our Little One, but a boy first would be nice. Then he could protect our little girl–who would be as beautiful as you are!" I giggle at his logic, but agree with him knowing that's how I felt about Jared and I's relationship.

We spent the rest of the day at the hospital just spending time with the new baby, the rest of the pack showed up later that day and surprisingly all those boys can be quiet and gentle around the baby. All of us excited to have the new member to our family.

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