Bonus: Ashton's Third Birthday

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Today is Ashton's third birthday, and lemme tell you, it's been a very quick three years. I honestly don't know where the time has gone.

Emily and Kim are both here to help me set up for my little man's party, and of course cook the necessary buffet. We're are doing a Jungle Safari theme, using the forest around our house as most of the decoration.

"Mama, Mama, Mama!" A squealing three year old boy comes running into the kitchen.

Attaching himself to my leg, he begins to giggle, making the three of us laugh.

"What is it Baby?" I ask crouching to his height.

"Uncle Jawed was gonna spway me with the sticky stwing!" He says giggling behind my legs as my brother runs around the corner.

"Hey, you can't hide behind your mom! It's part of your present!" He says with that mischievous grin I know too well.

"Nu-uh..." Ashton shakes his head quickly, his eyes never leaving the can of silly string. I have a genious thought and decide to share it with my son.

"How about.." I whisper to him while pulling another can off the counter. "You spray Uncle Jared before he can get you?" I say watching as his eyes light up and a giant grin crosses his little russet face.

He suddenly bursts around my legs, silly string in full activation, covering the lower half of a shocked Jared. He then runs, probably to get Paul, as Jared just laughs before following.

Ever since the drama with Renessmee has been over, our lives have been pleasant. Jake still comes around every so often, and sometimes he'll bring Nessie, which was interesting the first time around.

Sitting in in the living room of Sam and Emily's house, the majority of the pack either watching the game on tv, or watching the soon-to-be toddlers playing with their toys.

Em and and I are seated on the floor with our sons watching them play together, when I suddenly hear Jake's voice come through the door.

"Hello! Anybody home?" He shouts, a smile can be heard in his cheery voice.

"Jake!" I respond after looking towards Emily, and she nods, letting me know she'll watch Ash. I jump up and quickly make it to the door, tackling my long time friend into a massive hug.

"Miss me much Scar?" He says with a chuckle, hugging me back just as hard.

"You wish Black." I say with a smile pulling back to see his russet face turned into a grin.

"I've missed you Scarlett. How've you been? How's little Ash?"

"I'm good, but Ash..he's growing so quickly Jake. I don't wanna sound stereotypical, but the time has flown by. He's gotten so big already!"

"Well I can't wait to see him!"

He says with a smile, that suddenly drops a bit and he signals with his hand to follow me outside. With an eyebrow raised I follow him outside, and down the drive a bit to see a very pretty girl waiting—for him.


"Just hear me out okay?" I simply nod and follow him, the girl sees us coming and smiles sweetly.

"Sorry for making you wait out here Ness."

"It's okay Jake. I understand." Her voice is light and kind. I have a feeling who this is. Now I understand Jake's caution and secrecy.

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