You Have Some Nerve

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I woke up the next morning still in Emily's living room on our make shift bed with a pair of warm, strong arms wrapped around me.

I turned over to see Paul laying there slightly snoring with his hair in all directions, with a slight smile on his lips. Seeing it was about ten in the morning and Paul never sleeps that late I knew they got in late from the wedding, probably dealing with Jake, if he even did come back last night.

I tried to get up so I could get some food for me and make some for Paul, but his arms tightened around my waist so I couldn't help but kiss him on his forehead thinking he'd relax...psh yeah right he smiled and his grip just tightened more.

So it seems escape is impossible. I layed back down and just enjoyed being close to him and looking at his handsome sleeping face. I ended up closing my eyes to just relax where I was, so some time later I felt a kiss planted on my nose. My eyes fluttered open to see Paul smiling at me.

"Morning beautiful." He says giving me another kiss this time on the lips.

"Good morning Handsome. You hungry?" I start to get up and he nods so he follows me into the kitchen and we decide on pancakes for everyone that way poor Emily can sleep.

"How'd everything go last night?" I ask while I start mixing things together and I feel arms snake themselves around my waist and he puts his chin on my shoulder.

"Eh," I feel him shrug. "It reeked all night long and you were right. Jake did show up and did crash the wedding."

"What did he do?"

"Just freaked out on Bella for having a 'normal' honeymoon or some shit. Basically he made her cry and her leech got all defensive and we had to pull him outta there before he phased on her." I just rolled my eyes.

"Classic Jacob, getting into more trouble then is smart." Right then the front door opened and it sounded like the boys were back from patrol.

"Mmmm something smells good!" Seth said walking into the dining room, with Quil and Jake on his tail.

"Pancakes alright boys? We're giving Em the day off." I say with a smile in their direction before getting back to making more.

"Of course Scar! Woa did you say we? Is Paul actually helping and not eating it all at the same time?"

Of course it's Quil that's gotta butt in. And to that Paul chucks an egg at his head and it hits and splits right in the middle of his forehead. We all start laughing.

"Yes Quil, he was actually making the pancakes hence why you got an egg to the face." He just sticks his tongue out at me and we all start laughing again.

After we finish about 30 pancakes we get eggs, sausage, and bacon together and all the boys start shoving food in their faces. I hear two pairs of footsteps come down the stairs surprised that they slept through all the noise.

"Morning Scar. Boys." The boys barely muttered a morning around their full mouths.

"Morning Em. Sam."

"Did you make all of this?" By this time we all had got some food on our plates and Paul had pulled me into his lap to eat.

"Yeah, but Paul helped with the pancakes and the bacon." Emily's eyebrows shot up into her hairline while Sam held up a hand to say something after he finished chewing.

At least he swallowed first...

"Wait a sec. Paul helped?" I nodded and I could tell Paul rolled his eyes. "And he didn't eat all of it?"

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