Wait He's Gone?

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I woke up to sunlight shinning through the window and I couldn't help but smile when I felt an arm around my waist, remembering that I stayed the night at Paul's last night.

No we didn't do anything. All we did was sit around watch movies and finally relax from all of this vampire drama that seems to finally be over!

It's been a couple weeks since the battle and Jake is pretty much healed now, only he isn't allowed to phase for another week or so just to make sure the bones heal and blah blah blah. I tend to zone out when the leeches start talking ha.

I turn to the clock to see it's barely eight am, so I turn over and bury my face into Paul's warm and might I add naked chest in hopes of getting more sleep...

That doesn't happen because the idiot I call my boyfriend thinks it's funny to start laughing at my attempts to go back to sleep, and when he laughs well you're gonna shake as well.

"This is not funny." I murmur into his chest.

"Actually I find it quite hilarious." As he continues laughing...

"Oh ha ha lets all laugh at my lack of sleep!" While sticking my tongue out at him.

"Well someone's not a morning person!"

"I've never been a morning person! For the twelve years you've known me I've never been up before 9:30!" I say while trying to pull the duvet up over my face in my attempts at sleep..

"C'mon Scar" he says while planting a kiss on my head, "It's time to get up!"

"No. I have an idea!" I take my face off his chest to look in his eyes, "Can we just stay in bed all day?!" I say with a cheeky smile and my puppy dog eyes.

"Hmmm... Sounds pretty tempting." He says while he kisses me full on the lips.

Ours lips move in sync just like they were made for each other, and I throw my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. He rolls over so that he's on top of me not breaking the kiss, and drags his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance, and me being me denies him again and I smirk into the kiss.

He groans out of frustration and decides to bite my lip harder this time than before, causing me to gasp and he gains the entrance he wants. Our tongues battle for dominance while my hands have found their way to exploring the toned, tanned muscles of his chest and he runs his hands up and down my sides lifting my shirt slightly.

I pull away-not ready for it to go that far, and rest my forehead against his while we catch our breath.

"I love you Lottie." I can hear the smile in his voice which makes me smile.

"I love you too Paul." He pecks my lips and before we can start again his phone starts blaring like crazy.

He groans and mutter something like, "stupid phone" while rolling over to answer it and it makes me giggle, and he being the mature one pokes his tongue at me.

"What? I'm kinda busy right now?.....Yes I can be busy at eight in the morning, and yes she is. What do you want Embry?!"

Oh poor Embry, always asks too many questions in the morning. I giggle seeing Paul's impatient face not only with Embry, but also the fact we were interrupted. Man do I wish I had the freaky werewolf hearing right now, Paul's face is no longer impatient but serious when he hung up.

" We gotta go to Sam's Love." We both start getting out of bed to get ready.

"Alright, but what happened Paul?"

"Jake's gone..." Oh my god, he's gone?

** Sorry it's taken me soo long for an update!! I was busy with work and my vacation coming up but I promise I'll try for more updates-possibly more today!!! Hope you guys liked the little Paul and Scar moment sorry it's short, but there will be more! :D
Comment, heart, rate :) Love you all! xx

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