I Can Heal Fast?

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-Scar's p.o.v.-

I woke up from my nap needing to fix things with my brother, knowing I have no right to be so angry with him even though he is frustrating me.

Paul and the doctor leech came through the door and I could see Paul's face light up just by seeing I was awake. Oh the power of an imprint, but I vaguely remember him saying he loved me "imprint or not", but I dunno ha.

"You're awake!" Paul said with a smile and I smiled back finally feeling a bit better than before.

"How long was I asleep for?" My brows furrowing it only seemed like an hour or so but apparently it was longer.

" Only about three hours. How are you feeling Scarlett?" Doctor leech asks with a smile.

It's weird being around the Cullen's they aren't like other bloodsuckers that I've been introduced to ever since my brother phased, but I guess if they're willing to help I can at least be polite.

" I feeling a lot better than before that's for sure."

" That's a good thing. I'm just going to re-bandage the scratches and then we can see if you feel well enough to move around." He says making his way to unwrap all that fun stuff I wasn't really paying attention.

Currently I'm trying not to laugh at the look of consentration on Paul's face as he watched the Doc do his job. Then the doctor goes and gasps, freaking me out just a little bit..

At first I think something is wrong, but as I watch Paul's face it has to be something good because he looks more confused then angry? I don't know.

"What's happened?" I say slightly paniced but trying to stay calm incase I overreact.

"Your—Your wounds, they've healed completely." Apparently he's never seen this?

"And this is a bad thing?" I was confused as to why he was making such a huge deal over my healing. It's a normal human thing buddy.

"No, but the thing is, you've healed faster than a normal human.." He turns to Paul, "She isn't going to phase is she? She doesn't have the same 'symptoms' as the rest of you, but she has the healing ability."

The hell? I am so confused I healed fast? Sam was sure I wasn't gonna phase...

"No. Sam has told us that she isn't going to phase like her brother because he phased two years ago. She would've phased as well like Seth and Leah did. What do you mean she doesn't have the same 'symptoms'?"

"She doesn't have the high body temperature and fast pulse rate. The only thing that doesn't make her compleatly human is how fast she has healed. It's almost as fast as how you heal."

So I heal quick like the wolves? Awesome!

"So I'm not a wolf, but I'm not human either?" How is this possible. "I don't know what else I could be if I'm not a wolf..?"

"I'm not sure, but I will do some researching. In the mean time, you are able to leave Scarlett. You've healed up just fine." I was happy to know I could leave, but hell was I stiff when I went to sit up on my bed.

I looked to my left side and saw three jagged scars trailing the length of my torso. Pretty awesome battle scars if I say so myself, but man did they hurt when I got them...

"Thanks Carlise. For everything." I said calling him by his real name. Like I said I was trying to be polite because he did help me get better..

"Of course Scarlett. And I will be researching some to see if I can find anything as to what you may be." I nodded and Paul offered me his hand which I gladly took because it was surely a pain in my ass to walk on my own, but hopefully this stiffness will go away!

Paul leads me out to his old beat up truck—that he's had forever, and opens my door for me. What a gentleman, psh I had to laugh at my own thoughts.

"What's so funny?" He asks with a smirk and raised eyebrow.

"Oh nothing. Hey can we run by my house so I can get some clean clothes?" Noticing I've been in the same clothes since I collapsed, ew.

"Uh.. You sure about that? Jared has the day off... You can just borrow some of mine." He ends with a cocky grin-teenage boy hormones...

"Well, I actually wanna go home... Don't look at me like I'm crazy Paul Lahote!" He holds up his hands in surrender and chuckles. "I wanna talk to Jared about what happened and maybe get it through his thick skull."

"Good luck with that."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah thanks for the support Pauly."  We laugh at the old nickname he had while he playfully glares at me.

It's now or never.

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