Date Night

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Over the next week Paul and I spent a lot of time together which was nice, because we haven't gotten to with all the drama.  We finally got to have our first official date and lemme tell you, it was amazing.

** Flashback**

"Hey Babe!" Paul shouts from our room upstairs while I finish the dishes from lunch.

"Yeah Love?"

"Are we doing anything tonight? For dinner or anything?"

"Umm no. We usually go to Emily's for dinner.. And you might have patrol tonight right?"

"Nope Sam gave me the night off." By now he's got his arms wrapped around my waist and went to kiss my forehead.

"How about you and I do something tonight. Just us." I smile at the thought of finally going out and not having to worry about anything.

"Like a date? I would love to!" He smiles big before kissing the left side of my face which has finally healed back to normal.

"Good be ready by 7 I'll be back to pick you up."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I have to get things ready. Oh and wear something nice!" He says with a wink and is out the door in a flash. I call Emily and tell her what's going on and she ends up coming over to help.

"Thank you again so much for your help Em!"

"Of  course Scar! It's so exciting that you and Paul are finally getting serious!"

"We've been serious Em!" I say with a laugh. "We've just been busy with all the vampire drama to actually have time to ourselves."

I say as she finished curling my hair so that it fell in ringlets down my back and my side fringe pinned to the side, she wants to do my make-up as well but we have to find a dress first apparently.

"True true. It's still exciting though! So how's everything with Ja-"

"Haven't talked to him. Probably wont for a while still." Still not wanting to talk about this so I change the subject "How are you and Sam? I feel like I haven't seen you guys in a while?"

"Haha umm well..."

"SPIT. IT. OUT WOMAN!!!" I say laughing at her embarresment.

"Fine. Jeez you crazy woman... I—well I'm uh, was wondering if you'd wanna, maybe, possiblybeagodmother...?"

"I'm sorry what was that??"

"Scar, would you like to be a godmother?" Wait...what? Did she just say that? Holy—that means...

"Wait you're pregnant?!" A smile starts to spread on both our faces and all she does is nod. I wrap her in a hug and we both start squealing like little girls.

"I can't believe this!! How long have you known??!"

"I've known for a couple days now, but I'm almost two months along. So what do you say?"

"Oh my goodness Em of course! Congratulations!" We both started talking about baby things until we realized it was 6:30.

"SCAR! We still need to find you a dress!" We found a cute summer dress which was a white crochet top with a green layered skirt and a simple brown belt.

We ran out of time so Emily just did my make-up very natural and by the time we finished we had five minutes to spare. We got to the living room in time to answer the door, and I see Paul in dress pants, a white button down and sports jacket with a bouquet of Lillies-my favorite.

"You look beautiful Lottie! Ready Love?"

"Of course! And you don't look too bad yourself." I say with a wink as I loop my arm through his and we head out to his truck, driving down to first beach.

Once we got to the beach he had me close my eyes as he walked me to wherever we were going. When I opened them I saw what had to be the most beautiful scene I've ever witnessed.

It was a picnic blanket surrounded with tea-light candles a couple feet away from the water line, of course a picnic basket and more candles. We sat and ate a meal I was surprised to learn was made by Paul, Embry, and my brother.

"And you guys don't burn down the house??"

"Oh hush. We are very talented chefs."

"Well it was very tasteful." I say while leaning in for a kiss, which quickly turned into us laying on the blanket in a deep snog session.

The date ended not going any further but it was all perfect. After everything that went down it was nice to just sit on the beach with my boyfriend and enjoy the night. But I have a feeling this wont last too much longer.

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