Managed to Piss Off A Wolf...Awesome.

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-Scar's p.o.v.-

"Can't we just wait a couple days, or a week or so before we tell him? Pleeeeease Lottie!"

I can't believe Paul was so scared/nervous to tell my brother he had imprinted on me. I mean after all they are best friends.
I couldn't help the giggle that escaped when he started begging.

"No Paul. It's better he finds out from us instead of from one of the other boys. And anywyas I'm surprised you're so afraid to tell Jared, I mean you guys are best friends. It's not like he's going to kill you."

"Psh, I never said he would kill me.. I can hold my own thank you very much!" He says and sticks his tongue out at me.

This is the Paul I knew—the Paul I fell in love with so long ago how he can be immature one moment, but can still act his age, when he wants and how he tries to cover up being nervous with getting cocky it makes me laugh.

"Very mature Paul." As I do the same back. "But seriously Paul. The sooner the better because if you think about it, Jared's not stupid—most of the time, he'll notice that all of a sudden we're close again and he'll be wondering why we both got sick at the same time when no one else did.."

Paul sighs and falls back onto the bed next to me. "Ugh. Why must you always be right Lottie?"

"I just know how my brother can and will be is all." I say with a smile, "But if you say I'm right then sure let's go with that!"

We burst out laughing and start to head downstairs because our stomachs sound like they're eating themselves.

"And they're awake!....And laughing with each other?" That stops us dead in our tracks. Shit, shit, shit please don't let Jared be here....

"Don't worry he's on patrol right now with Sam and Jake, they found a new leech scent while you guys were out so we've been at it non stop." Leah says with a smile on her face.

I knew she knew what was going on, I'll have to see how much she knows. Thank you Leah for changing the subject!

"Oh thank god! Wait a new leech? Not one of the Cullens'?" I ask while grabbing two muffins from the kitchen with Paul following.

"No. At first the Cullens thought that the leech was just passing through, but the scent keeps coming back and around the Swan's house too. So naturally Jake is making the patrols go over the treaty line to protect her." Leah says with a scoff I think it's pretty obvious none of us really like Bella...

"Since when was Jake able to change our patrol lines?" Paul says slightly angry probably over the fact the pack will be 'babysitting' Bella.

"Apparently when it comes to Bella he can, moron... Sam only agreed because it's 'protecting humans'." Embry scoffs in reply.

"Oh my god I am soooo hungry!" I tense slightly at hearing my brother walk through the door and I move a little bit away from Paul for good measure.

"It smells goo-SCARLETT!! You're awake!!" He crushes me in one of his bear hugs.
"I was so worried! Don't ever do that to me again! How long have you been up? Fine one day, than freaking dieing on me the next-"

"I'm fine Jare!" I cut him off or else he would keep going... "And I've been up for a while I just made it downstairs for food." I say laughing at how he's worrying over me.

He finally realizes Paul is in the kitchen as well and kinda raises an eyebrow at the fact that we are standing so close together when usually I would leave the house the second he came in, but gives him a 'brohug' anyways.

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