More Teases and Damn Buzzing

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"Go sit your stubborn, pregnant ass down with your husband and relax for the night! I can handle the dishes."

After arguing with Emily for ten minutes about cleaning up after dinner she finally huffs in agreement and heads to the living room. I get halfway through the dishes when I feel warm arms wrap around my waist, and he thinks it'll be funny to kiss my neck right under my ear...

"Need any help Beautiful?" He whispers before kissing right above my sweet spot-on purpose, sending a shiver down my spine.

"If you're offering...your aren't allowed." I breathe out between the kisses he's littering my neck and teasing me with..

"Aw but Lottie I wanna help." I can hear the damned smirk in his voice.

"Well" I turn around in his arms and whisper up at him, "maybe you can help...with something."

I lean up to his lips until I'm inches away, then wiggle myself out of his embrace and high tail it to the living room and jump in between Jared and Embry.

"You'll pay for that!" I can't help but giggle as Paul turns the corner and heads right for me. I wrap my arms around my brothers torso.

"Don't let him take me!"

As he gets closer to where I'm sitting I jump up and run right out the front door with Paul hot on my heels. I barely make it to the road when I'm lifted off the ground and thrown over his shoulder, pretty much eye level with his toned ass—not a bad sight if I'm being honest.

"Paul Lahote you let me down!!" I say while smacking his back.

"Um, nope. This is what you get for being such a damn tease and anyways I'm liking the view from here!" Figures... Just had to wear yoga pants today.

"Of course you are.."

He just laughs at me and I realized we just walked into his living room and he dumps me literally on his couch and hovers right over with a devious smirk that makes me worry slightly. His hands slide their way under the hem of my shirt and stop for a second before he starts to tickle my sides!

"P-Paul!! St-Stop can't bre-breathe!!" I start crying coz I'm laughing so hard and he just laughs at my pain!

"First you have to say, 'Paul is the sexiest man alive! More sexy than Channing Tatum!'" Damn he knows Emily and I just love Channing Tatum!

"Never!" Just to mess with him haha

"Ouch Lottie, that hurts." He says while still tickling me and smiling coz he knows I'm joking.

"Fine fine! P-Paul is the s-sexiest man a-alive!! M-more sexy than Ch-Channing Tatum! And I love him to the moon and back!"

I'm able to shout out before my sides feel like busting. He stops his torture but leaves his hands on my waist and just smiles down at me and I can't help but smile back.

"And I love you too. More than you can imagine."

He says while leaning down and kissing me softly yet passionately, I place both hands on either side of his face as I kiss back with equal amount of passion and run one hand through his silky black hair.

He lets a moan escape while running his tongue along my bottom lip asking for entrance. Me still feeling slightly evil ;) decides to reject him and smile into the kiss as he groans in frustration. Thinking he has given up for now, we carry on but not before I realize his right hand has slid it's way down to my upper thigh, and out of nowhere he pulls my leg up onto his waist making me gasp and him gaining entrance into my mouth. We explore each others mouths until we are interrupted by the loving buzzing of my phone-note the sarcasm.

"Just leave it Babe." He mumbles against my lips. Believe me I would but because Em's prego and Sam's on patrol I need to make sure it's not her.

"What if it's Emily? I gotta check it."

At least Paul understands where I'm coming from with wanting to help her through her pregnancy. So he leans back and is somehow able to wedge himself between me and the back of the small couch we're on.

To: ScarTheBestestSis
From: JareBear
Hey you lame-os!! Come cliff diving with all of us tomorrow Pleeeeeaaaaase!!! We're all going so you and Paul have to come!

I had to laugh. "How do you feel about Cliff diving tomorrow?" I ask Paul and he pouts knowing we were interrupted for something dumb ha.

"Sure sure. Everyone going?" I just nodded my head while texting my brother back.

To: JareBear
From: ScarTheBestestSis
You're the lame-o!! Sure we'll be there what time?

So the plan was for ten so it'll be somewhat warm-ish and it was already late so Paul and I decided to head to bed and see how tomorrow goes! I've never been cliff diving so it should be fun!

**Thank you guys for the comments and all the hearts!! I'm glad you guys are liking it! :) Comment Follow and Heart! You guys are awesome! <3

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