My Conversation with Jake

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"Can I talk to you Scarlett? Please."

Great well it's now or never I guess. I turn around to face Jake who is sitting on a log back aways from the edge.

"Alright." I simply answer and his face turns to shock seeing as I haven't talked to him in three weeks let alone look at him— I can see why he's surprised.

"Where do I start Scar? I was a right asshole to you. To all of you-"

"But I also stepped out of line Jake-"

"Let me finish woman." He says making a slight smile come to both of our faces, " I understand I had my duties to my family and tribe and I guess it was wrong to pick Bella over you all-"

"You guess? Jake it was wrong!"

"I know. But think about it Scar. If I hadn't made my own pack, I would never have imprinted. I would've never been happy, you see how happy the imprint has made Paul—how much he's changed. I would've been stuck on Bella all my life and probably never have been able to move on."

Okay so he does have a point and it's all not complete bull shit which is a relief.

"Alright you have a point I guess.. I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have said what I did." I say looking down at my bare feet not wanting to meet his eyes-slightly scared I'll make him angry again.

"Hey look at me. Don't be sorry, I see now that you were right about Bella and how I was stupid enough to chose her over you guys so many times. I let my anger get the best of me and I should know better and be able to control it better when I'm around you."

"I am so sorry that I lashed out on you, you don't know how bad I've beaten myself up over that. It killed me to see and know that you wouldn't even look at me—let alone talk to me. You deserved better from me definitely after I ran away like that, you're like my sister and I'm ashamed of my actions. Can you ever forgive me ScarScar?"

He looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes of his that everyone always melts into, and I couldn't help but feel bad for the boy, it doesn't help that he used his childhood nickname for me either. I go up to him and wrap him in a hug.

"Of course I forgive you Jake. It was just so hard, you're like a brother to me as well and when you hit me I just couldn't believe it. You had always told me you'd never hurt me and when that happened, well you know how I feel about liars and so add that on top I was pretty mad. But thank you for maning up and apologizing for everything, you don't know how much it means." He hugs me tighter and it feels normal again.

"Always Scar. You're my bestest friend, I'll do anything for you."

After that we both made our way down from the cliffs to see the boys playing soccer, already eaten lunch-I didn't think we talked that long. Paul jogs over to me and wraps me in a hug.

"Everything alright with you and Jake now?" I can't help but smile up at him.

"Yeah. Everything's great."

"Good I'm glad." He says before placing his lips on mine in a very passionate kiss. I'm glad my life is getting to be normal again. 

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