Bonding With My Boys!

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-Scar's p.o.v-

So Leah and I walk into Sam's to see that food hasn't been served yet?

"I thought I'd wait to serve the food until you guys came back so the boys wouldn't eat it all." Emily says while coming out of the kitchen with breakfast.

"Thanks Em!" I say with a smile and she smiles back and yells that breakfast is ready and well, que the stampeade of boys running into the dinning room.

Leah sits down on my left while Embry sits on right and we all start digging in, then a piece of bacon gets flung at me. I lift my head to see who did it, and at first I thought it would be my brother, but you know that stupid look people get when they try and look innocent while whistling and what not well that was Jake, so naturally it was him, and me being me threw it back at him.

"What the hell Scar? Why did you throw bacon at me?!" Still trying to act innocent when we all know he might have just started a massive food fight.

"Would this be better?" I ask while I fling a piece of pancake at him and it lands on the tip of his nose, and the entire table bursts out in laughter.

"Oh it is ON Cameron!!"

"Bring it Black!" And at that the entire table broke out into a massive food war and everyone was for themselves.

I don't know where Emily went, but she is going to kill us and make us clean up this mess, but honestly I don't care this is super fun, more fun than I've had in a while.

"What the hell is going on here?!" uh-oh Sam's back from patrol...

"He/She started it!" Jake and I yelled at the same time.

Then we both managed to stick our tongues out at each other at the same time making the others laugh slightly at how childish we are. Sam slightly chuckled shaking his head back and forth, he's in a good mood this morning!

"Oh how we've missed you Scarlett, but really.. Embry" Embry looked a little freaked that he is all of a sudden called on, "who started it?"

Everyone looks at Embry waiting for his answer because well he is both Jake's and I's best friend, so he's gotta throw one of us under the bus.

"Jake threw the first piece of bacon.. but then Scar threw it back." Sam looks at Jake then at me and my oh-so innocent smile.

He sighs and decides we both have to clean up the mess since we both started it and we were both fine with that, I mean it was so worth the fifteen minutes of fun.

"Okay that was the most fun I have had in a long time!" I say laughing while Jake and I are cleaning up.

"Of course it is! You're with us! When is it not fun or crazy or even awesome??" I start laughing at this because it's true, when ever I'm with the pack it's always so crazy but fun all the same.

"I've missed this Jake. Not just the pack as a whole cuz of course I miss all of you, but I miss just being able to talk to you guys like we used to when it's not all talk about stupid bloodsucker drama.." By this time I've started doing the dishes for Emily, I mean why not I'm already here.

"I miss it too Scar. It's hard ya know, because we're always on patrol or when you do come over it's always when Paul's out so I mean it's nice to know that when Mr. Hothead leaves we get you as a trade, but we all miss you too much that kinda doesn't cut it anymore.."

I sighed at what he said cause it's true, even I feel like I need to start coming over more and just ignore my problem..

"That's true Jake and I really am sorry. Believe me, I've tried to ignore my problems with him so that I can see you all, but it's hard because I have to focus on keeping my temper in check when he's around and I'm just not as fun."

"Well you know what we should do then? Since he isn't here right now and we don't know when we can see you again?" Jake starts to get this devilish grin on his face and whatever he is planning I want in.

"Whatever you're planning I want in!" I say with a grin to match his.

"Mud fight out back?"

"Hell yeah! Lets do it!"

So we told the rest of the pack as we headed out back and split into teams. They made Jake and I team captains so Jake stole my brother saying it was an "unfair advantage" but whatever, he also had Seth and Quil while I had Leah, Embry, and I finally got Sam to play, on my side of course!

Emily was just going to sit and watch our stupidity (party pooper), but anyways our mud war started slow because everyone was slightly afraid to start it. So I got some mud and crept up behind Jared and gave him a face-full of mud thus starting an all-out war!

The mud war went until sundown when the boys were all starving and dinner was almost done, we were completely covered in mud and Emily made the boys wash off outside before they could step foot into her house.

"Em, can I pleeeaaassse take a shower inside? I promise I won't get mud inside! And it's cold out here!" I asked with THE best puppy-dog eyes.

"Alright fine Scar! But if I find mud in my house..!" She said with a smile.

I thanked her a ran into the bathroom for a nice hot shower! I borrowed some clothes from Emily and was running down the stairs while drying my hair because I have skills to do that. Or at least that's what I thought until I ran into a wall... well it seemed like a wall...

"Oh my gosh! I am so sorry, obviously I wasn't watching where I was going!" I said as I lifted my head up to see who I ran into and found myself staring into the most beautiful, yet somehow familiar, brown eyes I have ever seen.

I don't know what it was, but something was keeping me there like I never wanted to leave this position, like I had no reason to leave... it just felt...perfect, yeah it felt perfect...

Until I figured out who was behind those eyes...

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