Battles and Broken Bones

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~Scar's p.o.v.~

A couple days pass and we were getting ready for the army of newborns to come to town.. yippee.... see sarcasm, yeah everyone's super stressed.

I'm worried because Jake has to carry Bella up the mountain because she 'doesn't want him to get hurt'. Please Jake is a beast and one of our best fighters, he can take care of himself, but now we are one badass short...

Paul wants me to stay close to him, but I have to help to light the fires and keep the leeches lit and dead haha, I get the fun job!

So the pack and I get to stay in the cover of the forest until the army comes then the fun starts! We're all waiting quietly because Sam wants us "focused", please most of the boys are just excited that they get to "finally rip some vampire hide".

Alright guys, here we go

We all head into the meadow with Sam in the lead and Jared and Paul as flanks, myself next to Paul and the rest behind us. The field looked like it did in the civil war, our side on one side, with me in the middle, and the newborns across from us.

Alright guys, take down as many as you can, help the Cullen's, but don't do anything stupid.

Us? Do anything stupid? Please Sam..

Guys I'm serious, and also keep an eye on Scar.

Hey, I can take care of myself! I got this, I'm not doing much.

But still, it's our duty to protect each others imprints—even if you can protect yourself that's just the way it is.

Fine. But I don't want any of you getting hurt because you're 'protecting' me. Stay focused on the fight, not me. 

And with that, hell broke loose and the pile of bodies started, filled with newborns. I turned my body toward the pile and lifted my right hand out towards it, and simply pictured it burning.

Not five seconds later it started burning filling the sky with purple smoke and the grossest smell, I can't even describe it, like dead animals and shit ha.

So that's how it works!! Wicked!

Yup! Luckily I can multitask enough to be able to talk to you guys and hold my concentration on the fire.

I lit another pile with my other hand, while just listening to the background conversations of the boys, because I was afraid that if I talked then I would lose my concentration and that wouldn't help at all.

We are totally winning this, but I feel like this is a distraction for the rest of us, because we haven't seen the red head anywhere.

Sure as shit Seth chimes in that the red head and some boy is with her and they have found Bella (figures), and that Jake is headed down to help us, and he phases in right after Seth says that.

Their numbers are dropping drastically, and Seth and Edward have defeated the red head and her 'boyfriend' or what ever. I'm still concentrated on the fires, not wanting to let go until I know those leeches won't spring back to life, creepy little bastards-earning a round of chuckles from the boys, but are stopped short.

SCARLETT!!!! Watch OUT!! 

It was Jake who saw the rouge newbie running up behind me, and was the one to tackle it to the ground while Paul had jumped over me keeping me blocked.

I could feel how scared and worried he was, but he was also pissed that something had almost happened to me.

Paul. Don't beat yourself up about it

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