Time to Prepare

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~Scar's p.o.v~

So the past day or so I've been practicing and "exercising" my abilities and I must say they are pretty awesome!

I'm at Emily's waiting for the boys to come back from patrol so we can all go and hang out at the beach when we hear a long howl, which usually means something is wrong, coming from the woods behind the house.

Emily and I exchange worried glances, but can't do anything about it.. Sam's orders... We start making dinner to pass the time, but an hour slowly passes and the boys still haven't come back yet.

"I'm worried about the boys... Do you think they found a vampire?" Emily says while trying to stay calm and failing.

"I'm not sure Em, but I'm sure they'll be fine." I hope..

About two hours later the pack finally piles into the dining room and starts to eat. Relieved that none of them were hurt, me being my curious self still needed to know what happened.

"So, guys. What did you find on patrol?" They all looked around with nervous glances, seeming like they didn't want to tell us whatever it is. "And don't bother lying it isn't gonna work..."

"She has us there guys.." Jake says with a shrug, which is the truth I can usually tell when the guys are lying.

"Alright," Sam starts, haha I win. " Paul and Jared were on the northern border when they caught the scent of a leech, it ended up being the red headed leech we've had to chase out before, but she's gotten smarter. She must've figured out where the treaty line is because she crossed the line and we lost her."

"Well if she knew where the line was then she must've been watching for a while now?" I ask slightly freaking out because if she's been watching us then she might know about me and that's just not good..

"That's the thing. She hasn't been watching us, she's been watching the Cullens."

"How do you know this?"

"I got a call from Edward saying that some unknown vampire broke into Bella's room and stole a shirt of hers. Possibly for her scent-for other vampires to find her." Jake butts in with all this lovely information that's been withheld from me....

"That's why you guys have been patrolling up there?! Why wasn't I told of this?! I am part of this pack. Remember?" Yeah I'm a little ticked right now.. How many other secrets are they hiding??

"You weren't told because this doesn't concern you-"

"Bullshit it doesn't concern me! Don't you remember what Billy said Sam? He said the Elementals, which is me, are as much a part of the pack as the wolves are! So what else have you all been hiding from me?" As I look around the room no one will meet my eyes so I know there's more that they aren't telling me... Not even Paul, or my own brother... "So there is more then??"

"Victoriasbuildinganarmyandtheyrecomingthiswayandthepackisfighting..." Jake manages to let tumble out of his mouth while the rest glare at him especially Paul.

"I'm sorry what? Speak English Jake."

He takes a deep breath and starts again, "Victoria is building an army and they're coming this way and the pack is fighting...."

"Why would she send an.... it's a revenge thing. Against Edward isn't it?" Jake looks at me in udder surprise.

"Ho-How did you know that?"

"I remember you saying something about him killing her mate or whatever and so she's out to get Bella as revenge right?" He just nods his head a little shocked I remember him telling me that.

"Why does the pack have to fight? This seems like the Cullen's problem, not ours." At this Jake glares at me, ha well I've never really liked Bella for playing Jacob so I don't care if I sound mean. Before Jake can bite my head off Sam starts explaining.

"We're helping the Cullen's because she is a human, and we protect humans whether they be on our land or not. The treaty has been void so that we can help." Yet none of the boys know how to fight vampires....

"So how are we expecting to fight and win when we don't even know how to fight them?"

"There's a meeting-"

"Oh no!" here we go, overprotective Paul mode... "You won't fight Scarlett. I'm not going to let you go and put yourself in danger!"

"I can do whatever I damn well please Paul! I am apart of this pack and  I can make my own decisions!"

"No! You don't know what you're up against Scarlett-" I can tell he's angry that I'm arguing with him, but I'm stubborn and I want to help. He will lose this..

"Oh and you do?! You know how to fight an army of newborn vampires?"

"No, but at least I can shift and be able to defend myself-"

"Oh and I can't?! Last I checked I have powers over the elements that are used to help the wolves defeat the vampires!"

The thing about Paul, he hates being interrupted and so the more I interrupt, the more he shakes. The boys have started to move our argument outside incase he does phase.

"This is stupid.... Jake what time is the meeting?" Jake tells me it's at three in the morning and I see Paul run into the woods soon followed by the sound of ripping clothes.

Great. We get ready for a war and I'm fighting with my imprint....awesome.

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