I Need You. More Than Air.

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I couple days later I'm still in my old bed, starting to get sick again. Damn imprint. Damn Rachel!

I had told Jared what she said, but I don't think he believes it because even though Paul and I didn't talk for two years, the two boys still did. I'd have to hear it from Paul, but of course I wouldn't let him speak the other day.. Maybe I'll go see him and we can talk..

"Scar? You wanna head over to Emily's for breakfast?" Jared asks as he comes in my room, I haven't eaten much the last couple days—it upsets my stomach so I just avoid it.

"No thanks bro. I think I'm going to go talk to Paul. I can't handle being sick like this. And well I miss him.." He just smiles like the dork he is, nods and leaves me to get ready.

I simply throw on a light blue tank top, and a pair of my Nike running shorts, after my shower and decide that I'll just walk to the house. 

My stomach is filled with butterflies by the time I'm standing on the front porch, scared that he might not want to talk to me after I blew up on him..

I open the door to find the house a complete wreck, couch cushions are ripped open and thrown across the room, plates and glasses are shattered in the kitchen.

I make my way up the stairs and all the pictures on the wall of us and the pack are still there just crooked, like he thought about throwing those too but put them back before he could. I make it to the bed room and see the door open just a crack, so I open it farther to see a disheveled Paul sleeping on his stomach still holding a bottle of whiskey in his right hand.

The scene in front of me almost makes me cry, Paul was never one to drink because his father did and that's some of the reason why his parents split, for him to take the bottle with him to bed just shows he's been drinking since I left. And I feel terrible for bringing him to this point.

"Paul? Babe?" I whisper as I remove the bottle from his hand and sit on the bed beside him, brushing his soft black hair out of his face where I can see tear tracks and I kiss his right temple.

"Mmmm... Lottie?" He says half awake as his eyes open slightly adjusting to the light, I can't help the sad smile that crosses my face.

"Morning baby." I say as my fingers find their way back into his hair, and it's like I shocked him with electricity he sat up so fast, but slowly brought his hands up to cup my face.

"Lottie. You're really here." He whispers to me. I bring my right hand up to cover his as I lean into his hand and look into his pain filled eyes, that mirror my own.

"I'm really here Paul. And-" he cuts me off with his soft warm lips on my own, oh how I've missed this.

Missed his kisses, his touch, missed him. My hands found there way to his cheeks and I held him to me like he was my lifeline. We broke the kiss at the same time but kept our foreheads together, and when I opened my eyes to look at him I saw he was already looking at me and it seems the life has came back to his chocolate colored eyes.

"I shouldn't have blown up on you that night and I'm sorry. Let me finish, it's just Rachel has always gotten on my nerves because of how she's always trying to steal you away from me, even when we were kids. And I forgot how manipulating she can be and—and she was just so convincing, but I should've known better. I know you better than that and I know you wouldn't do something like that to me. And I'm sorry to just assume and not let you explain..."

"I am so sorry Paul." I whisper as my eyes drop to my lap, not wanting to look in his eyes, trying to push back the tears.

"No Lottie. Look at me. Don't apologize, I would've reacted the same way, well I kind of did  two years ago.. But I want you to know I didn't sleep with Rachel. I might have thought about it slightly when we had our fight, but I never went through with it because I loved you."

"And I still love you Scarlett. I wasn't lying to you when I told you I loved you before the imprint, and even when I told you you are the only person I ever wanna be with. It's true and nothing or nobody will ever change that."  I smile at him as he wipes away a few escaped tears and I can't help but put my lips to his again.

He pulls me into his lap so that I have a leg on either side of his hips as my arms snake around his neck and into his hair. He gently bites my lower lip to gain entrance and in response I tug on his short hair, earning a growl from Paul as he pushes me over onto the bed.

My legs automatically wrap around his waist as he starts to trail kisses from my cheeks to my jawline and finally to my neck. He finds my soft spot and lightly kisses it sending shivers down my spine, I tilt my head giving him better access and he bites down on the spot making a moan slip through my lips, as my hands trail down his bare back causing him to shiver this time.

His hands trail under my top, but he has difficulty getting it off (what my tank tops are tight..) so he just decides to rip it off of me and he kisses my scars gently while his hands roam free. And well you know what happens after that...

I Love You, You Crazy HotheadWhere stories live. Discover now