This Might Be A Good Thing

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I don't know how long I stared at those two little pluses.

"Oh Scar! Don't cry!"

I hadn't even realized I was crying until Emily said something. I don't know if they were tears of joy, or tears of sadness all I know is that I'm crying.

Because I'm pregnant.

At the worse time possible.

I finally look away to see Emily smiling slightly at me and she opens her arms like she's reading my mind. I instantly get up from the toilet and wrap myself in her embrace, breaking into quiet sobs as I do.

"Shh Scar. Everything will be just fine! You and Paul will be happy. Believe me, he will be excited!" I pull back with a sniffle and a confused look in her direction.

"H-how do y-you know? I n-never asked if h-he wanted k-kids..." I trail off not wanting to think about what might happen if he isn't excited about this.

"Listen to me. Sam told me, a week before Paul had proposed to you, that when they were running patrol Paul had asked Sam about how he felt about becoming a father. And of course Sam said it was something he was both excited and nervous about. And he asked Paul why he asked. Do you know why?"

I shook my head never even hearing about this conversation until now, but really hoping his answer was a good one.

"He told Sam and I quote; 'because I want to start a family with Scar, I want to be a real family that neither of us really had.' See he's going to be excited, stop worrying."

As she told me what he said I could feel more tears escape my eyes but this time I knew they were happy tears, the longer this news soaked in, the more I got excited to have this little baby growing inside me. I small smile slipped onto my lips and Emily smiled back knowing I was finally getting over the shock, and that I was truly happy about this.

"I don't want to tell Paul right away.." I whisper as I look away from her eyes, not wanting to see the judgement in them.

"I understand." I snap my eyes up to hers in shock with a questioning eyebrow. "I was the same way when I first found out. It was when the pack split so Sam had that weight already on his shoulders and if he had to fight, I didn't want the knowledge that I was pregnant to distract him and get himself killed."

That was exactly what I was thinking. Only this time, the situation is so much more dangerous. A bigger, more experienced army of vampires coming to harm an imprint where all the wolves must work together to keep them safe, which could turn to war if they don't believe us about Renesmee.

I know Paul is a damn good fighter, but if the thoughts and worries about becoming a father distract him for one second, that could be enough to get him killed.

"And things won't be over until after Christmas and so I can't even tell him then, as a present.. I don't want him to be angry that I didn't tell him right away.."

"I thought Sam was going to be angry with me and he wasn't. He was actually thankful I told him after the drama was over. It's an imprint thing, they worry about us all the time, but when I told him I was expecting it seems his worry went up 100% more. Don't worry about Paul being angry. I would just start talking to him, subtly, about starting a family and having kids and just see what he says. It'll be just fine. I promise."

I nod and smile as I clean myself up so it no longer looks like I've been crying and Em and I head downstairs to start cleaning up the kitchen. The boys have moved into the living room playing the Xbox and cheering each other on, Emily and I smile at how childish the boys can be, but we love them anyways.

When we're done we go into the living room and I sit on Paul's lap, watching Jared kill Embry in Call of Duty. Paul wraps his arms around me and kisses my shoulder then up to my neck.

"You alright Love?" He whispers in my ear as he kisses my lobe and I shiver a little.

"Yeah I'm fine Babe. I was just talking to Emily upstairs." He nods against my neck as we watch the games.

I hate lieing to him, but it's for his own good and well if anything happens to the baby I don't want him to get his hopes up and then something happen. It's just so confusing, and overwhelming but exciting.

Jake said that those leeches should be here when the snow starts  to stick which is usually after Christmas around here, so I have a good month and a half.

We spent the rest of the night playing video games and just enjoying each others company, and enjoying the normality for right now.

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