The Wedding and Teases

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So it's finally the day of the wedding and well I'm home alone in one of Paul's shirts, which I could pull off as a dress coz it's so big haha..

Sitting in the living room of his house on my computer just waiting until he gets home from patrol. That's when I felt my phone buzz.

To: MyBabe
From: MySexyWolf
Hey Babe, at Sam's. Wanna come over for dinner? I'm stuck going to the wedding tonight.. sorry Love.

To: MySexyWolf
From: MyBabe
Yeah I'll be over in a bit, just gotta put some clothes on ;) That's okay I'll just hang out with Emily. No biggie Babe!xx

To: MyBabe
From: MySexyWolf
Damn... knew I should've come home earlier ;)I'll make it up to you I promise! See you in a bit, Love you!

To: MySexyWolf
From: MyBabe
haha too bad! :P Love ya too! xx

So I got some normal clothes on, but still enough to make Paul wish he had the night off ha, just some short shorts and my tight white tank top that shows a bit of my belly, and left to walk to Sam's.

I walk into Sam's and see all the boys, minus Seth, in the living room playing video games and from the looks of it Paul's beating Jared and by a lot too.

"Hey Em!" I say as I walk into the living room to see which game the boys are playing. See growing up with Jared and Paul, I know how to play video games and am pretty good at them too!

"Hey Scar! Is it really that nice outside?" She says with a wink probably because she knows what I'm trying to do, so I stick my tongue out at her and she just walks away laughing to herself.

The boys all mutter a 'Hi' too engrossed in the game, so I go sit on the arm of the chair Paul's in and ask who's winning.

"Do you even have to ask Babe? I always beat your brother-"At this he sneaks a glance at me while game Jared is recovering. His eyes widening and darken to an almost black color and I can feel my insides start to melt, but I act like I didn't notice.

"Just thought I'd ask Babe, coz I'm pretty sure I've beaten you at this game a couple times."

I say with an innocent smile, but he was too busy raking his eyes over the exposed skin on my body obviously biting back a groan, but he was soon snapped out his trance when Jared started cheering.

"HAHA!! In your face Lahote!!" The boys start laughing knowing that it was my fault Paul had lost.

"What?! That's not fair! I want a rematch!"

"It was fair! You just were paying attention to other things!" Embry said while laughing and wiggling his eyebrows at us.

I giggled as I got up and walked towards the kitchen, subtly brushing my hand against Paul's arm, and watching him shiver slightly making the boys "ooohh" even more.

"Dude! She totally wants it!" I hear Quil try and whisper when I get a glass of water, then hearing a couple slaps.

"That's my sister you're talking about dumbass! We are not discussing her sex life—if there even is one!" There isn't, I just like messing with em. I mean there might be one some day, but not now.

"Oh please Jared! You can't be that thick! Obviously there is something going on!"

"Both of you shut up!" Poor Paul, left to wolves by himself haha, that's funny...wolves...

"See he's getting all defen- ow! What was that for?!"

"For not shutting up!" The rest of the boys laugh at Quil while Paul walks into the kitchen, shaking his head at the idiots. He comes over and takes my water from my hand.

"Hey! I was—"

Before I can even finish, his lips are on mine this kiss full of passion and lust, his hands on my waist under my shirt and mine snake their way around his neck deepening the kiss.

He grazes my bottom lip with his teeth begging for entrance and since I feel like such a tease today, I don't allow it so instead his hands trail down to my ass and he lifts me up onto the counter without breaking the kiss but succeeding in scaring the crap outta me.

He takes advantage of my surprise and slips his tongue into my mouth and I let him win while my hands pull through his thick hair making him moan into my mouth, and I can't help but smile at the effect I have on him.

"We make food here!! Go get a damn room!!" We pull away to see Embry leaning on the wall smirking at us.

"You're just jealous Embry." I say with a smirk back as I lead Paul back into the living room like nothing happened and sit on his lap.

"Nobody likes a tease Babe." He mutters huskily into my ear so only I can hear him making shivers run down my back.

"Who said I was being a tease Babe?" I say innocently. By now the boys picked out Transformers to watch before they all have to go and what not.

"Me." He mutters into my neck and starts kissing my neck, slowly making his way to my soft spot when Sam came down the stairs.

"Paul, Jared let's go. The wedding should be starting soon." I didn't even notice it was that late already. The boys both groan, but get up anyways.

"I'll see you tonight Love." He gives me one last kiss and is out the door to the wedding and the other boys leave to go on patrol.

"Emily! I'm bored!" She comes into the living room smirking at me. uh-oh I'm gonna get it now.

"Oh bored now that you can't tease your poor boyfriend?" She says with an eyebrow added to her little smirk.

"Yes and anyways, he starts it all! Walking around all the time half naked, knowing he drives me insane!! So a little pay back is fair." I justify with a smug smile and Emily just laughs at me.

"Don't worry Scar, I understand completely. I was the same way with Sam before we got married."

The rest of the night we just laughed and talked about life, how she really wants a baby soon and how she can't wait until Paul and I have babies "cuz they'll be so beautiful and how it would just be perfect".

Don't get me wrong I want to have kids with Paul, but with the history of his parents divorce and then just leaving him here he might not. I guess it's just something we'll have to talk about later.

Emily and I camped out on her living room floor that night and ended up crashing before the boys could get back, and that night was the first time I dreamt of my future with Paul.

Comment, and Heart! Thank you lovelies for reading! :)

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