Best. Day. Ever!

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It was the second week into November, and as gloomy as ever. Paul's been acting..not himself lately, but says everything is fine yet I still worry that something is really wrong.

I roll over in bed to find it empty, and my heart sinks to my stomach-he didn't have patrol last night or this morning. Where would he go at 9.30 in the morning when he usually sleeps until 10.15...?

My worries subside a little when I do find a folded up piece of paper on the pillow next to mine.

Morning Babe!

Sorry I had to leave so early, but I didn't want to wake you up you looked so peaceful. Anyways! I have a surprise planned for tonight and Emily should be coming over about 10, so get ready!

I love you always,

Well today will be interesting.

~Paul's p.o.v~

"You think she'll like this?" I ask Emily as I start to freak out before she leaves to keep Scar distracted.

"Paul. Stop freaking out. It's Scar, she loves you so yes she will love it! Stop worrying, I'm going over to keep her distracted so you can put your plan in action."

"Thanks Em. You're a life saver." I say with a sigh of relief the worry gone, but replaced with nervousness.

"C'mon bro! We gotta start placing these notes, but before that we need to get your dinner part done."

I was able to talk Jake into coming back to the Rez to help with my plan as well as Jared and Embry, but not until their shift is over.

So we decided on a food up table in the beach so it's not a picnic, it's a formal candlelight dinner just on the beach-which is her favorite place. We have to wait for Jared to get off at 2 so we can start making the food coz if things go right we should be eating about 7.

Let the fun begin!

~Scar's p.o.v~

I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard Emily  just walk right in, Paul must've given her his key, like she owned the damn place.

"Hey Scar!"

"Be down in a sec Em!" I quickly change into something comfy coz it's a normal glumy day for November  in Washington, and brush threw my hair and plait it to the side ending just below my chest.

"Pregnant ladies can't have caffeinated drinks Em!" I say in a singsong voice when I see her in the kitchen making some tea.

"Pregnant ladies can have decaffeinated tea Scar!" She says in the same tone turning around and poking her tongue at me, before we both start laughing at our childish behavior.

"So what's on the agenda for today Emily? Why has my boyfriend disappeared for the majority of the day?" I say smirking hoping to get some sort of answer out of her.

"Sorry can't tell you that." Damn. "But I can tell you that we are going up to Port Angeles and having a spa day!" We've never had a spa day...

Maybe it's coz she's pregnant and I've heard that helps soon to be mothers, and since Leah isn't girly enough for one I guess that leaves me.

But hey, I'm alright with that! So we get into her car and start the long drive to Port Angeles.

"So Em, how did your appointment go?"

Emily had her first appointment last week to see if they could hear the baby's heartbeat, and she hasn't gotten around to telling me if they were able to hear anything.

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