Explanations and Apologies

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-Paul's p.o.v-

I was beginning to wake up from my dreams, well memories of Scarlett, and felt something or rather someone pressed up against my side. I opened my eyes to find none other than Scarlett herself sleeping, curled into my side.

What the hell? Last I knew she hated me... And when the hell did I fall asleep?

"Oh good you're awake." Leah whispered while coming into the room.

"What the hell happened? Why am I in Sam's spare room with Scarlett? How long have I been asleep?"

"Well you and Scar have been out for about 4 days, and we moved you guys from the living room to here so the guys wouldn't draw on your face or something to piss you off. And what happened is you forgot to mention the fact you imprinted on Scarlett and therefore caused the both of you to almost die." Scarlett almost died? Well shit I'm not letting that happen again.

"Who all knows? About the imprint?" I ask worried Jared found out and that he might just kill me.

"Just Sam and I. You're lucky that we didn't wanna deal with a pissed off Jared so we've had to lie to him and say you both just got sick. Luckily he hasn't imprinted yet and doesn't know the consequences of ignoring one. You're also going to have to tell Scar you know that right?"

"Yeah," I say with a sigh while I run my hand through my hair-nervous habit of mine.. "It's just... she already hates me, I don't want to make it worse. These last two years were hell."

"Then why didn't you fix it Lahote?" And with that she left me with my thoughts.

-Scar's p.o.v.-

I wake up to people talking so I don't open my eyes so I can eavsdrop hehe...

"You're also going to have to tell Scar you know that right?" Oh it's Leah! And she's talking to whoever is sitting on the bed..?

"Yeah," Paul.. "It's just... she already hates me, I don't want to make it worse. These last two years were hell."

Okay I feel a little bad, I don't hate him. I don't think I ever could, definetly after whatever happened last week.. I've always loved him.. I—I guess I just buried my feelings, but he still has a lot of ass-kissing to do before I completely forgive him..

"Then why don't you fix it Lahote?"

And with that it Leah leaves, because I can still feel Paul on the bed. Debaating on if I should really wake up now and talk to Paul..since I really haven't in two years...

Before I can even stretch I feel a warm hand caress the side of my face sending chills down my spine.

"I am so sorry Lottie... For everything." Paul whispers using his nickname for me, and I decide it's a good time to 'wake up'.

So I stretch and almost immediately his hand is pulled back from my face like he thought I was gonna bite him or something. Well I don't blame him before I probably would've..

"Scar?" He asks not sure if I'm awake and it's just dripping with hesitation because honestly, these past two years I have been pretty shitty to him, but like I told Leah he did nothing to fix it...


"You awake Lot-Scar?"

"I don't know yet" I say with a slight smile on my face and I heard him chuckle, wait did he just about call me Lottie again?! I open my eyes.

"Did you just call me Lottie?" I was already turned to face him so when I asked this and he looked...scared? Why would he be scared of me?

"I-I'm sorry Scarlett, I didn't mean to! Old habits die hard." He says with a nervous chuckle almost forced.

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