I Love You, You Crazy Hothead

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"Mama! Mama!" I hear shouted from the back door with running footsteps coming into the kitchen.

"What is it Baby Girl?" I ask bending down to the height of my four year old and her pouting face.

"Ashton won't let me play with him and Colton!" She says sticking her bottom lip out and crossing her arms across her chest.

"Well let's go talk to those boys shall we?" I grab her little hand and we walk into the back yard.

"Ashton, why won't you let your sister play with the two of you?" He looks shocked jumping up and turning to face me.

"Cuz she too little to play mum..."

"I'm four! I am not little!" Ariel shouts back at her brother, she has a temper to match Paul's mixed with my feistiness and well she usually wins the fights..

"Alright you two. Let's just play together and not stress your mom out." I hear come from the door behind me.

"Daddy!!" Our daughter shouts as she runs and jumps into his arms and he spins her around and she giggles.

"Hey Baby Girl! How was your day?" He says holding her on his hip, giving her his undivided attention.

"It was great! I helped Mama bake some cookies, but then Ashton and Colton wouldn't let me play." She pouts again and he kisses her forehead.

"Well that's not very nice of your brother now is it? How about you and I play after dinner, sound good Sweetheart?"

Yup since the day she was born she's had him wrapped around her little finger, tugging on that soft spot of his. She nods with a giant grin on her face and just sits and watch the boys play.

"Sam let you off early tonight." I say as we step into the kitchen, trying to finish up dinner.

"Mhmm." He mumbles as he kisses my neck from behind.

"Knock it off Paul! I'm trying to cook! And anyways" I say turning around with a mischievous smirk on my face, "you were the smart one who blocked yourself for nine months.."

I raise my eyebrows as he pouts, but it quickly goes away and he kisses me while places his hands on my slowly growing baby bump.

"It's all worth it though Love, we have the perfect family and I wouldn't change it for the world." He says and we smile at each other as he leans in for another kiss.

And let me just say, after everything we've been through my life is so perfect and I wouldn't have changed anything.
This is what I love, my family and my crazy hothead that I love with my life.

*So that's the story!! :) thank you all for reading it I'm glad you love it! I have started a sequel to it, I'll be transferring some of it from Quotev as well so look for it in a couple of days!
As always, I love hearing from you guys! You're awesome!

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