Halloween Movie Marathon

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It's Halloween and the town is buzzing with people buying candy and last minute costumes, makes me glad I don't trick-or-treat anymore.

The boys mentioned something about having a party tonight where we all had to dress up and of course alcohol would've been involved, but when all the girls quickly declined we all just settled on watching scary movies all night.

I had gone over to Emily's a little after lunch time to help her cook things for tonight, knowing how much food we all go through when we have our marathons—it's more than normal if you can believe it.

"So Emily thought of any names yet?" I ask while we start putting cookie dough on the trays to cook.

"A couple for each I think. We haven't been able to narrow it down to one each yet." See Emily is about 4 months along and is starting to show and well we girls are super excited!

"And these choices would be? I bet they're great ones!"

She smiles at me as we put two full trays in the oven and start on two more—yeah Emily's cookies are as famous and as damn good as her muffins.

"Well for a girl we have either; Layla Madison or Rose Marie—for Sam's mom. And for a boy either; Colton Michael or David James."

"All if them are such great names I can see why you're having a hard time choosing!" She smiles at me greatful for not hating her names.

"Thanks Scar, I guess we will just have to pick one when we meet our little one."

"Speaking of which! Are you guys going to find out the gender?" By now we have the last two batches of cookies in and have moved on to our home made chex mix.

"Well at first I really wanted to. But the more I think about it, the more I want it to be a surprise, ya know?"

"I understand completely! It's more fun to have it as a surprise-yeah it sucks to buy things for em, but I just think it's more exciting."

She nods in agreement and we start moving things onto the dining room table because the boys should be home soon and we will be starting our own 'Fright Night'.

I was pulling out all the scary movies Sam owned when I felt a pair of warm hands move down my arms and kiss my jaw making a shiver crawl down my back.

"Whatcha up to Babe?" He says huskily while still tracing his hands on my arms...what was I doing again?

"Um.." I stutter out before leaning into his chest which of course didn't help.. "Picking out movies for tonight?" I question not really sure.

Boy do I hate what this man can do to me.

He kisses the corner of my mouth teasing me when I'm brought back to the world around us.

"Hey!! This Scary Movie Marathon is family oriented! Now get up and come get some snacks before they're all gone!" Embry shouts while smirking at us and walks back into the dining room.

We stand up and begin walking to where the food is when I smack Paul in the stomach and he gasps in mock hurt.

"What was that for?!" He says rubbing his abs while I force my eyes away from his hand.

"For teasing me." I say before waking ahead of him and still hear him chuckling behind me.

We get the food equally distributed and make our way to the best seats, Paul and I claiming the love seat. Jared, being the older brother he is, picks Nightmare On Elm Street, with an evil smirk in my direction, as our first movie.

I hate how through the entire movie crap is popping out at you and Jared and Paul both know this from when we watched it years ago. Paul starts laughing silently but since I'm leaning on his chest I can feel everything. So I smack him on his chest and he just laughs harder—ass.

"Aww is wittle Scawette scawed?" Quil says in a baby voice.

"No. I don't get scared thank you very much. I just hate when shit jumps out at you!"

The boys just laugh and start the movie and hit the lights so it's super dark now. I make it through the movie only jumping a couple times, and each time Paul would rub my arm which would make me feel better about sitting through an entire night of this.

"You sure you can handle the rest of the night baby sis?" Jared says while trying and failing at holding his laughter in.

"Oh shut up and just put the next one in!"

The boys all laugh and our night goes well. I guess I fell asleep halfway through the marathon because the next morning Paul and I were still snuggled into each other on the love seat, relieved in knowing it wouldn't be another year until I have to do this again.

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