I Hate Being Sick...

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I turn over the next morning to find my favorite pair of warm arms not around me. I wake up to see its only 7 and I find a note on Paul's pillow, and am greatly disappointed.

Hey Babe,

Sorry I can't be there when you wake up, had patrol this morning. All of these new vamps are in Forks so we gotta step it up. Anyways I should be home by 9 am. Hope you slept good.

Love you baby!

I barely finished his note when I felt my stomach churn, untangling myself quickly from the blankets I make it to the bathroom just in time to kneel in front of the toilet and empty the contents of my stomach.

I'm back with Paul, why am I still sick? I get up to brush my teeth when I hear someone at the door, so I walk downstairs and open the door to find Leah.

"Hey Scar." She says with a smile, I really think leaving Sam's pack was the best thing for her.

"Hi Leah! How have you been?" I step aside so she can come in, and we move to the kitchen.

"I've been good actually. A lot better since I've left, but you know." A nod as I get the eggs out and offer some to Leah and she nods. "You doing anything today Scar?"

"Nope. Paul's on patrol until about 9 and I'm not feeling too great so I'm just gonna stay here. What about you?"

"Well I wanted to see if you wanted to go see a movie, but if you aren't feeling well we can just stay here and watch movies if you want?" I smiled at the thought.

Leah and I haven't had a girls day in so long, whether it was wolf business or whatever but it's nice to have this break for a normal life. I put a plate full of pancakes, eggs, and bacon down and Leah starts to dig in.

Luckily I made enough for a wolf's appetite, and the fact I don't eat a lot when I'm sick. I barely choke down two bites of eggs before my stomach churns again and I'm running for the bathroom. Leah must've been right behind me because I feel someone move my hair out of the way and tie it back for me.

Once I'm finished I brush my teeth again and we head back downstairs so Leah can finish her breakfast while I just put the rest of my untouched food on a plate for Paul.

"Jeez Scar I didn't think you were that sick." Leah says as he comes over to rinse her plate off.

"Yeah I had to make a run before you came over as well." Leah gives me a concerned look.

"But if you think about it, I don't heal as fast as you guys so I have the possibility to get the flu. I'll probably be better in a day or so." I know the guys can't get sick with their major healing, but since I don't heal as fast I can still get sick... I think anyways.

"I guess you're right Scar. No wonder you didn't wanna leave."

We laugh and head to the living room and go through Paul's mostly horror/action movie collection, luckily Leah was smart and brought a couple RomCom's. So far our line up is Transformers, Love Actually (Both of our favorites actually), The Hangover (another favorite of Paul and I), and whatever else we'll find later!

"Babe!" Paul calls as he walks in the house, half way through Love Actually.

"In the living room with Leah!" He walks in behind us on the couch and he runs his hands down my arms while kissing my temple.

"Why's Leah here?" I see Leah roll her eyes at how Paul can be so blunt when she's still in the room.

"Don't be an ass Paul. She's here to keep me company, and because I haven't seen her in forever." He just shrugs when I call him an ass and Leah snorts a laugh.

"There's some breakfast in the fridge for you if you haven't eaten yet."

"Thanks Love!" He says with a kiss and he walks to the fridge. "You two ate already right?" I see Leah look at me from the corner I her eye, but I ignore it.

"Yeah Babe, no worries." He brings his food back in with us and starts to devour it.

"What's this movie?" He says through a mouthful of food.

"Love Actually. It's a chick flick Babe."

I turn to look at him and my stomach churns again! What the hell?! I've never been this sick in my life! Luckily my hair was still tied back, as I rush to the bathroom and empty the little that's in my stomach. I feel someone come and rub my back in soothing circles and realize it's Paul.

"You alright Love?" He asks as I shakily get up and brush out my mouth again.

"Yeah. I probably just have a stomach flu, it should go away soon." I say and he nods but still looks concerned.

I kiss him on the cheek and tell him I'm fine, when I get back to the living room Leah has a thinking face on but smiles as we come back and we put in The Hangover.

I hope this goes away, I hate being sick!

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