Sleepy Jack & His Hair

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It wasn't often that your boyfriend, Jack, had a hard time sleeping. He had been a carefree lad his whole life and rarely let worries or negative thoughts get the best of him. That seemed to have changed in the last month or so, though.

After reaching half a million subscribers and getting so much love on Twitter and in his YouTube comments, he started to want to take his job as a youtuber more seriously. He would stress a bit about not being original enough or being stereotyped because of what he had said or done in past videos. He was growing up and felt the need to prove that to his viewers. Lately, he couldn't shut his brain off after the sun went down.

*3:30 am*

You knew Jack had been tossing and turning all night, but he finally gave up and you heard him slip out of the bedroom.

"Baby?" You spoke, finding Jack sitting on the balcony.

"I'm sorry, love. Did I keep you up?" He asked.

"I just don't like sleeping when you aren't in bed with me. Feels like I'm missing something." You grabbed his hands and pulled him up, wrapping your arms around him. "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking too much. Wondering what people see when they watch me on their screen." He replied, letting his head rest on your shoulder.

You let your arms drop and pulled him inside. "We're going to run you a bath and I'm going to tell you all of the things they see and all of the reasons they love you."

"You don't have to, love. We can just go to bed." Jack responded, feeling bad he had kept you up so late.

"Nonsense. Get naked and grab a towel. Or the other way around." You laughed.

You went into the bathroom and started the hot water, getting it just right. You added some aromatherapy oils to the water to help with the stress. After he joined you in the bathroom, you sat on the back end of the tub with your legs in the water. "Come on, Maynard. Get naked." You grinned.

"Only if you join me, gorgeous" he cheekily replied.

"Not a chance, hot stuff. This is all about you, tonight. Now strip and get in." You gestured for him to lay back against your legs.

You lathered up your hands with body soap and started in on his shoulders. "When people see you, the first thing they notice is your smile." Your hands slowly moved working out the tension in his muscles. "You smile with your whole face. It goes all the way up to your beautiful blue eyes."

"Your smile and your laugh are contagious. You make other people want to smile just because you are." You added more soap and worked your hands down his chest and his back.

"When people see you, they see the life of the party. Not in a bad way, either. You're friendly to everyone and genuine and you put people at ease. You're able to laugh at yourself, so you give the people around you the opportunity to not take themselves so seriously. It's a gift, darlin'." You pulled up handfuls of water to rinse off the soap. Jack stayed silent, only hmmming and moaning when you'd massage a tense muscle.

"When people see you, they see someone who cares about his friends. They also see someone who cares about his family." You grabbed the shampoo and started working it into Jack's hair. "A great older brother to Anna and a confidant to Conor."

You could feel him finally relaxing against you as you finished shampooing Jack's hair, instructing him to rinse it out. Grabbing the conditioner, you continued on. "When people see you, they see someone with confidence. They get to watch you take risks and be yourself, and that means they have someone to look up to." You finished rinsing the conditioner out of his hair and realized he was already half asleep. He still hadn't said anything.

Standing up to pull the plug, you grabbed a towel and helped Jack out of the bath. You wrapped the towel around him and grabbed another one to dry his hair. "Come on, baby. You're dead on your feet." You grabbed his hand and led him back to the bedroom.

After finding some sweat pants, you turned around to hand them to him and saw him sitting on the bed with his head down. "Jack?" You spoke, gently pulling his chin up to meet his eyes.
Jack had stayed quiet through the whole bath, and now you were staring into his tear filled eyes. "What's wrong, love?"

"Do you really think that's how people see me?" He finally broke the silence. "I mean, I don't even think my friends see me like that."

"Jack. Listen to me, love. There are always going to be people that will judge you for all the wrong reasons. That's just life, on YouTube and off of YouTube...but that doesn't discount all of the people who are better off and happier because you're in their lives. And yes, I know that's how they see you because you ARE those things. It's how I see you." You leaned in to kiss him softly on the lips.

"Thank you. For everything. What would I do without you?" He spoke in a tired voice.

"Well, you won't ever have to find out because I'm not going anywhere." You kissed him one more time and felt him smile against your lips. "Put these on and let's go to bed." You handed him the sweat pants.

Crawling into the bed, you pulled him to you letting him lay his head on your chest. You started dragging your fingers through his hair while quietly humming, hoping he could finally get some rest.

"I love you. So much." He said in a raspy, barely there, voice.

"I love you too, you beautiful boy." You continued to play with his hair until you both fell asleep.


Hey! I never really get any responses to this stuff, so if you have any feedback, feel free to comment :)

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