Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome III

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joe x jack x reader [smut] part 3

"I think you should use the big hoodie." you called out, helping Joe and Jack set up for a video.

"Oh, that's perfect." Jack replied. "That will be a lot easier to maneuver."

"This is going to be a train-wreck." Joe laughed, slipping the hoodie on.

Joe and Jack were filming a "Not My Arms" challenge and you couldn't wait. You thought it was going to be hilarious and as a perk you got to watch your two favorite boys get a bit handsy with each other.

Jack was currently being Joe's arms and Jack was being obnoxious.

"Hello everybody and welcome to my channel. Today we're doing the JACK! I can't talk if you stick your fingers in my mouth." Joe laughed, unable to get away from Jack.

"I'll behave." Jack replied, making it look like Joe was rubbing his own nipples before dropping his arms.

"Hello everybody and welcome to my channel..." They had been filming for about 20 minutes before you decided to mess with them.

You had been sitting behind the camera watching and decided to stand up and stretch a bit, your shirt rising to show your midriff.

"Where are you going?" Joe looked up, seeing you stand.

"Oh, nowhere." you said, pulling your shirt off. "Just keep filming, boys."

"Well this isn't fair." Jack said, staring beyond the camera at your little show.

Joe acted like it was no big deal. "Come on, Jack. We're better than this. No distractions." He said, continuing with the video.

A few minutes later you unbuttoned your jeans, turning to face away from them as you slowly pulled them down over your ass. You bent over to slide them the rest of the way down your legs and you heard the room go silent. "Just keep filming, boys." You said, stepping out of the jeans.

"Oh, fuck me." Joe said, clearing his throat and trying to focus on the challenge.

Jack whispered in Joe's ear. "Your girlfriend is evil."

"Tell me about it." Joe laughed, continuing to talk to the camera.

You then unclasped your bra, letting it fall to the ground. Jack had unconsciously started pressing himself to the back of Joe. "Excited, mate?" Joe laughed, pushing his ass back against Jack.

"Fuck, I didn't even realize." Jack laughed, way past being embarrassed in front of the two of you. Jack watched you starting to slowly rub lotion into your skin and an idea popped in his head. "Joe, lets get her back." Jack whispered in his ear.

"How?" Joe said, his eyes still following where your hands went.

Jack grabbed Joe by the hips and started slowly grinding into the back of him, letting a moan slip out of his mouth. Joe saw that your eyes had snapped up to watch them and immediately caught on to Jack's plan. "She does love watching us together." Joe whispered back.

Jack let one of his hands slide to the front of Joe, palming him through his shorts. "Next in the 'Not My Arms Challenge.'" Jack said, unzipping Joe's shorts and pulling his already hard dick out of them. Joe threw his head back to rest on Jack's shoulders and moaned, closing his eyes.

You had stopped putting on lotion and were now just staring at the two boys.

Joe's arms had slid back around Jack to grab his ass. Continuing to grind against Joe and Jack's hand still getting Joe off, the breathy moans between the boys were getting louder and their breathing was picking up.

You slid your panties to the ground and let your hand dip between your legs, moaning the boys names as you gave in and started rubbing your fingers over your clit.

"Look at her." Jack said to Joe, starting to pump his hand faster around Joe's dick.

Joe opened his eyes and watched you getting yourself off, your cheeks flushed and your teeth biting your bottom lip. "Love, switch hands." Joe said to you, grinding back against Jack and causing him to groan.

You switched your hands, watching Jack start to kiss the side of Joe's neck.

Joe tilted his head to one side, making sure you could see jack sucking a purple mark into his skin. "Now stick your fingers in your mouth." Joe said to you, starting to buck into Jack's hand, close to finishing.

You couldn't help but do what he said, watching the two of them getting each other off. Both Joe and Jack were watching you, now. Slowly, you slid your wet fingers in and out of your mouth watching Joe throw his head back and come into Jack's hand.

"I'm so close." Jack mumbled into Joe's neck.

Joe slipped out of the hoodie and walked to come up behind Jack, freeing Jack's swollen cock from his pants.

You could feel your orgasm building and you had a hard time staying on your feet. Dropping to your knees, you watched Joe stroking Jack, Jack's face scrunching up as he got closer to climaxing.

You felt your orgasm wash over you when you heard Jack moan Joe's name.

When you finally caught your breath, Joe had his camera in his hands, watching back over the footage of him and Jack. "Am I allowed to keep that or do you have to delete it?" you asked, coming up to slip your arms around Joe from behind.

Jack walked up and looked at the screen. "I don't care if you keep it as long as it stays private." Jack said, dipping down to kiss you on the cheek.

"I think we should delete it, but after watching it I think the three of us need to make a different kind of video." Joe said, turning in your arms to pull you into a kiss.


a/n - I never thought there would be three parts to a fic I originally wrote drunk, lol. When something pops in my head I have to write it. Hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to comment or ask questions. :)

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